01 ItYkNI R" 10 tke m.sujaj'it--- to 1.�t pro videdby CWISMI[Lull
<br />pi.11-SLIZIL1It OW 111iS Sle"COOD,
<br />'lid C0115111MD1 5hal," inawntain all instrrance re-cJ(.Ilred abkav�, ir, fud force and.
<br />,-fFCcl For the �rjtlr� Ivrio,'I covvrt�d by this A.,,,Ir,�,Crnelt
<br />II I Ctrtj l"Icates of ln-�Urance shall ITfurltlslw�d to the Ca', ul,}of) extti:UtIo-11 ol,
<br />tills Agreement and shall be, appro,% ed iii rorm Ly4 the On,
<br />il I I Il Ce-1-11 ri Cates and Policie's Shalstate that the pohcies shall nc?t be canc,elvJ
<br />or reduced 'in co,. ertwe or changed 'in any, other inwerial aspect
<br />thirty` 110alma; prior %vi-ittion nimix w the Ohl
<br />C, IrCcansi.iltani falls or Tefuses to produce or nialwaln, the insuranct?, recju� red b�, this
<br />section or" falls or rerases to runildi the Cit�, vvith required proof that insurwice has bee-ri procured
<br />,arid is in force and paid for. the Clm,' Slia"I have the ri_Jit. it the Oty's election, to, forthwith
<br />ivTmliiaw this Agi-cemcnt Slich tcm-tination shall not aff"t Cowsuluint's right to bc paic, Ift)r Ij-'5
<br />tii=- and ji-Laterials tel)ertded pnw it., itol,&iediton of teraiwanon Consultant vwaivel, the light to
<br />rl.Xeive compensation arid agrees to lridemn,&N the City for anv %vork performed prior to approval
<br />Or IIISLII-allCe, hy the Op .
<br />Cr OPISLIlt3fit agrees to mid shall lndenuilf�, and hold harmless the C'*% its offivers, w-leats,
<br />2rnploN ees. consultmics. �peval coujisel. and rep[ L--;,ellE3trves from J'abihv,. for personal
<br />injur-,% darna�es, �'Oal or equitable relief arising out of clainis
<br />just compens-ati on, TP-5ti wtion. j ix i i
<br />f4r i 'ur�7, im7ludinv health.. and claints f r proporw danlagc, which rnw arlsa� from ft,
<br />or iadiv:�c!t cqtn-rations ot'llit,, of it', CINIMArLW-S. f,U]IN:f)UL'cEAOtS. azrejlbi,
<br />2mplvvees. or -other persons acullu all their` L"dialf f,Oiicli relates to the se?-Vtces descnb-d in
<br />,section I a Fthis, Agreement.: and (2) from any claim that personal injury. darmige5, Just
<br />C:ompensatlon, restitution. judicial or equitable relief is due by reason of the terms of or effects
<br />arrsinv, from this Agi-gemcrit Thl, lndvmnim=1 bold llarnllcss 4vrvQrncntapplIc,,, to all claims
<br />tits darnage5i, jum colviperls'atICIII, Ut V�11,11.111011,judicjal eat equita-lile zeltefs uffered. or alleizexj its
<br />lmve been suffiered- Lip,' reas�oji of the e,ti,eats referred to in this Section. or by reason of tl�ie teriliS
<br />of, or effects, arlsirij., from this Agreement. The Consultant further agrees to mdenimR,. hold
<br />harmless. kind pay all costs for the defense of the. City. fees, including -,- and costs for special
<br />I , I e-L
<br />i;otins ,:J to h 1 t lhy the City, rcgardin_v, any amin by a third p arty challQiwing the validlINI,
<br />orthis of that r)er4orlal Irijuiy, damage--,,,jLcsi tornpen�a-tton, re-,tautl0a.
<br />judi cial or equittabl e relief due to persorial or propmby e� rig�zs arises reason of the ternof is ', or
<br />effect5 ansln� from this Agreement City may make all reasonable decisions with respect to its
<br />representation in any legal proceeding.
<br />-T
<br />IfCorisLiltani receives from the City information which due to the natitTe, of such
<br />information is reasonably undel,31ood to be confidential andior proprietary, Coristiltani agrees
<br />that it shall not IISC OT dvw I (^,-c such information c-, ce-pt 1 n t.lw perform anee (if this Agir"munt,
<br />and further kgrto extnci.". the -same dqoe..- ofe-are zt w�-s it) Protect k1s, own 111rol'Inallon of
<br />like Importance. but In no event less than reasonable care -Confidential Infoniiation" shall
<br />include all nonpublic Information, Confidential inform ationIncludes not only writtell
<br />iniforrnailoa. but also Mfor-rimoon transferred o ral Iv. vi 5 tial ly, J ectronical ly. or by other inea ris,
<br />