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<br />('~ <br />j <br /> <br />( l <br />C"~ <br /> <br />Agreement 4600004214 <br />Water Use Efficiency Grant <br />Residential High Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate Program <br /> <br />B-6 Beneflts <br /> <br />Benefits AccruinQ to the Bav-Delta: <br /> <br />1. Avoided Future Withdrawals from the Bay-Delta System: Metropolitan's <br />implementation of this and other water use efficiency programs either offsets or defers <br />State Water Project deliveries from the Bay-Delta to meet urban water demands. <br /> <br />2. Particioation in Flexible Storaae proarams: In the past, Metropolitan has participated <br />in statewide flexible storage programs that support CALFED's environmental <br />restoration objectiveS (e.g. Environmental Water Account). In general, southem <br />California's ability to participate in this type of program is a function of storage and <br />distribution system operational flexibility. Growing demands over time may erode <br />system flexibility, potentially reducing our ability to participate in such programs, which <br />are linked to direct environmental benefits within the Bay~Delta estuary. This grant will <br />assist ongoing regional efforts to preserve system flexibility and strengthen the ability <br />to continue flexible storage programs into the future. <br /> <br />3. Innovation and Knowledae Transfer: Metropolitan continues to playa leadership role <br />in the development and implementation of innovative water use efficiency programs. <br />Existing Metropolitan programs cover a wide range of conservation initiatives, from <br />financial incentives for water efficient appliances to educational resources. such as the <br />Protector del Agua program, which provides classroom instruction to promote outdoor <br />water conservation among professionals and homeowners. This program would <br />achieve higher-water savings than standard clothes washer programs, which could be <br />transferable elsewhere in the State. <br /> <br />Benefits to Southern California Watersheds: <br /> <br />1. Water Efficient Aooliances and Fixtures: Under this program, Metropolitan is <br />promoting the latest water-efficient technology for the home, providing financial <br />incentiVes for high efficiency clothes washers. It is generally acknowledged that <br />indoor water conservation programs yield significant direct benefits to the region's <br />wastewater sector and coastal watersheds through lower discharge volumes. <br />2. Other Public and Fiscal Benefits: This program warrants consideratiqn based on <br />potentially large cost savings to public agencies and ratepayers by reducing <br />requirements for future capital improvements and water importation. <br /> <br />Water Savinas <br />The total water savings for the project will be approximately 12,226 AF <br />(0.02455 AFlYear/Unit x 33,200 units x 15-year life). <br /> <br />21 <br />