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<br />; <br />; <br /> <br />; ) <br /> <br />E,hihit (; <br />Stll'l'kIllCIII;,II'",cha,c Sl'cnli~"II"" <br />LtlS ,\,'l(;.:U:S UU'ARTMENT 0.' WiHER AND POWER <br /> <br />Requiremeatl for Ultra-IAlw-nusla Tuileta <br /> <br />SlIpplcmealllry Purchase Speclftcattolllo ASME AlIZ.19.Z-2003 <br /> <br />Revised: November 16. 1005 <br /> <br />Toilell conforming to the applicable requiremenll oflhis specification will be listed as "SPS <br />Certified" by LADWP. Sections I, U, III, IV and V of the following requirements shall apply to <br />tank-type gravity fed toilets. Sections I,ll and VI of tho following requiremenlll shall apply to <br />tank-type fiushometer (pressure-assist) and tank-type eleclrobydnulic toile1ll. Con1llCt <br />information regarding thiI specification can be found in Appendix A- <br /> <br />I. Conform 10 ASME Al 12.19.2-2003 and lisled by the City of Loa Angeles or listing agency <br />approved by the City of Lo. Angeles. Evidence ofliItinJ hu been provided to the LADWP. <br /> <br />II. Evidence oflistilll by the City ofLo. Angeles or listing aseneY approved by the City of Loa <br />Anlleho. u meeting the requircmenll of the Supplementary Purchase Specification hu been <br />provided 10 lIle lADWl'. <br /> <br />Ill. Conlorm to supphornentary requircmenta regarding flapper replacement marking and fill <br />valve. Conformance defined aa followa: <br /> <br />A. Flapper RcplKemenl Marking: The interior of the toilcl tank. uOOerside of tho toilet <br />tank lid or the overflow tube shall be marked willt the manufacturer's part number for a <br />rqllacemcnl flapper valve, and a manuf8cturer'a telephone Dumber to be used for <br />oblaininlla replKemenl flapper valve. Marking shall be permanent, visible (3/16 inch <br />letter hcighl1Jlinimum) and legible. <br />NOTE: F1/IPPU rq1/<<emenl Iflllrkhr6 requiremelft bet:"mn effectn't!"" FelJrulUY I, 2006. <br /> <br />B. FiR Valve: The fill valve shall be the pilot valve type only OR. alternatively, lite fill <br />valve sball be claasified "Compliant" afteI- being aubjected to the leIl protnc:ol included <br />in Appendix B. LADWl' mus! be provided bard copy documentation showing that a <br />lIOIl-pilot valve type fill valvo is clilSlitied aa "Compliant" before the subject toilet may <br />be certified as meeting thiI supplementaJy specification. <br />NOTE: Fill Yam req__1II bet:owws effecdw"lf Felli'll.'" J, 2006. <br /> <br />IV. Conform to supplementary requiremeDta regarding toilet flush valve seal durability. <br />Conformance deimcd aa follows: <br /> <br />A. Tanka equipped willt a flush valve sIIaIl conrain a flush valve seal that is classified <br />"Compliant" after being subjected to tho test protocol included in Appendix Cl oflhis <br />specification. All other flappers/scala mus! firsl be subjected to that protnc:ol by a City <br />of Los Angeles approved listing agency or by the Metropolitan Wiler Disuict of <br />Southern California (Metropolitan). Test resullll must sbow that the subject flapper/seal <br />is .Compliant" when tested in lIle two consumer products: Clorox. (bleacb) and 2000 <br />Flushes. (bleacb) as defined herein. Those reaults mus! be reported to LADWP. <br /> <br />I Th;. test proeocol hu been adapted trorn Appendix C or tile study "Toilet flappen. Matc:riallntegrity T....; by <br />the Metropolilln WallS Dislria orSouthem Calirornia (Metropolitsn), daIcd January 2000. Inclusion oCthislcst <br />protocol i. with the pennissi"" of the Mecropol.tsn Walt:( Distrid of Southern CaliromiL <br />