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<br />,"1-,,;. <br />t) <br /> <br />....'''1 <br />t.._.J <br /> <br />Suppl~melltary IJLFT Specillcalloll <br /> <br />PageS of 5 <br /> <br />Performance Requirement: The average tOlal flush volume for five (5) test runs for <br />each of lhe two slatic water supply pressures shall not exceed 2.0 gallons. <br />NOTE: 111. volll"'. "1""'ler may be dell""ilfed vislltIIly lIJIilfg II gradllllted cOlflllilfer or by <br />",eight calcllltltH as " ulfit 10 volUllf1l Ulfit. <br /> <br />VI. Tank.lypc !lushometer toilets and tank-type electrohydrauJic toilets shall have a fIXed non- <br />adjustable !lush volume OR shall confonn to supplementary requirementa regarding flush <br />volume adjustability. Confonnance defined as follows: <br /> <br />The maximum volume of water that may be discbarged by the toilet, when the field <br />adjUllbncnt of tank trim is set at its maximum water-use setting, shall not exceed 2.0 gallons. <br />The following test procedure shall be followed 10 verilY lhat the toilet meets this <br />requirement: <br /> <br />Purpose of Test: The objective of this Adjustability Test is 10 determine the upper limit to <br />the volume of water that may be discharged when tank trim is adjusted 10 its maximum <br />water-use setting. <br /> <br />Test shall be conducted per section 8.4 of ASME AI12.19.2-200J with the following <br />modification: <br /> <br />Test procedure: <br />a. The Ioilet shall be installed 011 a leveled test stand and all adjustable tank trim <br />components (any field adjustment features in the tank lhat might increase the Ioilet flush <br />volume) shall be adjusted for maximum water use, while taking care not 10 damage or <br />alter the pam. <br />b. The static pressure of the water supply shall be adjusted to 80 PSI +/_ 2 PSI. <br />c. The toilet shall be flushed maintaining the sCtivator in the flushing position for a period <br />of one (I) second maximum, the water being drained inlo . container. <br />d. AftlOf tho flush cycle is complete, the 10taI flush volume sha11 be observed and recorded. <br />e. This procedure shall be repeated until five (5) sets of data are obtained. <br />f. The static prcssII1'e of the water supply shall be adjusted 10 20 PSI +/_ 2 PSI or at tho <br />manuliscturcr's recommended minimum pressure as noted in the product literature and <br />product packaging, and test procedure steps c-d-e shall be repeated. <br /> <br />Report: The five (5) individual flush volumes and the average of the five (5) runs shall be <br />reported for each of the two static water supply pressures specified. <br /> <br />Performanc!! Requirement: The average total flush volume for five (5) test runs for each of <br />the two slatic water supply pressures shall not exceed 2.0 gallons. <br />NOTE: Tlte volume ol"'ilUr may be deurmilfed vlslltIIly lIJIillg" grtIdlltlted COlllllilfer or by <br />weiglft calclll"ted lIS " ulfit to VolullUllltfit. <br /> <br />Los Angeles Dcpartmml o(Water.l: Power <br /> <br />Revised: 1II161200S <br />