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<br />} <br /> <br />f \ <br /><'....t.l <br /> <br />AppendlJ: C <br /> <br />Page 2 ofl <br /> <br />3.1.6 At the ~on~lusion urlhe test rCl110ve the leSt appararos from the graduated <br />beaker and inspec:t the beaker for any water that may have leaked from test <br />apparatu!l.lfthe beaker is dry, report "Compliant". (fwater is present, <br />determine the volume from the graduations on the beaker. If the volume is 100 <br />small to determine from the large graduations on this size beaker, transfer the <br />water 10 a smaller graduated beaker or cylinder for determination. Report the <br />volume leaked as"u mllhr", <br /> <br />3.1. 7 Repeat step. 3.1. 1 - 3.1. 6 at the conclusion of the .. Accelerated Test." <br /> <br />3.1.8 Criteria: Leakage from the flapper in excesa of 0.25 mllhr (three drops) shall be <br />~ollSidered a failure. <br /> <br />3.2 Accelerated Test <br /> <br />3.2.1 The following two drop-in bowl cleaners shall eacb be included sa a separate <br />test (a) Clorox"-B1each and (b) 2000 Flushes. (Bleach). A concentrated stock <br />solution shall be made using eacb bowl cleaner. Thia concentration shall be at <br />2,000 ppm oflolal chlorine in a lap water solvent. For each stock solution., <br />steps 3.2.2 through 3.2.8 shall be followed. <br /> <br />3.2.2 The stock solution shall be analyzed initially upon preparation and at each <br />solution change, at which time the concentration level shall be recorded. In the <br />event that an analysis indicates that the concentration of the stock solution baa <br />changed by more than ten percent (10%) &om that prepared in accordance with <br />paragraph 3.2.1, the solution shall be discarded and a new stock solution <br />prepared. <br /> <br />32.3 The lest specimen shall be inserted into a lest vessel (jar or other suitable <br />veasel) such that the sealing surfilce of the teat specimen is not under physical <br />stress. No more than one specimen per jar is allowed. <br /> <br />3.2.3 The stock: solution shall be added to the lest vessel so sa to completely cover the <br />test specimen; fill the test vessel with the stock solution as completely as <br />possible. <br /> <br />3.2.5 The lest vessel containing the stock solution and the test specimen shall then be <br />placed in a mechanically convected oven or other device capable of maintaining <br />a lest temperature of 400C +/- 30C. The test temperature shall be maintained at <br />40"C +/- 30C for the 28-day duration of the accelerated test. <br /> <br />Lo. Angel.. DepII1lTlCllt of Walcr &. Power <br /> <br />Revised: 1111612005 <br />