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<br />....-} <br />.~< . <br /> <br />{1J <br />.J <br /> <br />l.:JA......,i.. .. <br /> <br /> <br />The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California <br /> <br />~C1IfuniIo <br />w-~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Colifornia hiendly Model Home Program <br />Builder's Stotement otlnletes! <br /> <br />11~ il~;( )~;O <br /> <br />'hIS ",formatiOn will provide the sponsoring weter agencies with deta~s on the timing and location of projects for consideration as potantial <br />,,,..tlClpants in thiS program. Submittal of a Statement ollnternt to Metropolitan by. participating member agency win enable Metropolitan to <br />...se5$ project ellgiblHlV and to reserve rebate funds. Funds are limited and disbursed on a first-come, first-setved basis, subJect to chang". <br /> <br />Division <br /> <br />Ilull4Jal' Name <br /> <br />PrOject Nama <br /> <br />Tract No. <br /> <br />County <br /> <br />Location <br /> <br />Number ot Production Units <br /> <br />Total Units <br /> <br />Number of Model Homes <br /> <br />Estimated Construction Start Date <br /> <br />Estimated Construction End Date <br /> <br />litle <br /> <br />Name <br /> <br />Mailing Address <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Tolophone <br /> <br />Proposed Number of "Califomia Friendty" Model Homes <br /> <br />I,' <br /> <br />Estimated Opening Date <br /> <br />How long will model home be accessi~e to the public? <br /> <br />When is landscape design scheduled to start? <br /> <br />h'rigltted landscape Alea (Square feet excluding hardscape are8) <br /> <br />ContaCt Person <br /> <br />Telephone <br /> <br />MWD Member Agencv <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />Signature <br /> <br />Telephone 12131217.6645 <br />Fox 1213) B3(}4527 <br /> <br />Date Received <br />Eligibility Confirmed <br />Assigned Rebate Numbar <br />Released BV <br />Dale <br /> <br />PI.... mail or fax compJetll'd form to: <br />Metropolitan Water District <br />of Southern California <br />AUn: Carlos Michelon <br />PO. Bo< 54153 <br />Los Angeles. CA 90(541)153 <br />