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-~.S percent for the sanm period. Furthei-Illore. the request letti'r also points out that the <xpunsiun cif' <br />Site ~ ~ .vi I I provide l ,? :-~ bUSlIIeSStS Ill the exp~Uldi'd Slle wllh the Opp01'tUllity to take advantage of <br />the federal t~lx incentives, thereby. increasing the likelihood uf-sustaining eronunlic growth within <br />the Zone. <br />The.lune nth later also notes that the expansion of Site #~ is in close proximity to the Z.une's <br />residential areas making it ~,eographlcally accessible to Zune resldcllts u] search of jobs. "rhe City's <br />analysis of businesses located in the expanded Developable Site # ~ anil surruundin~~ areas ~ylthul <br />and outside of Census Tract 7-~1.~(~ ~~ as bas~ii on the existing City zoning district records. This <br />analysis suppol-ts the: City's yie~y that the Site #3 expansion pl'CSentS an CxCtllellt 111atC11 IoC the tVpt <br />of labor force pool that Is currently available in the Santa Ana Empowerment Zone residential areas. <br />111 CIOSIIIy~, please have the authorizing officials sign the Amendment and expl-ess mail it to <br />:ti9s. Pamela Glekas Spring, Director, OttlCt Of COnllllulllt}' Rene~yal, 451 7th Street, S~V, Roonl <br />7l ;0, ~~~ashin,ton, D.C. 2010. Since the prompt execution of the enclosed Amendment is critical <br />to the City's implementation of the Zone's developable site plans, 1 have signed the Anlendnlent <br />before the other authorized signatories. If you have questions regarding this matter, please feel tree <br />to call i~1r. Robert Duncan, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Development at <br />202-=~OZ-CGS 1. <br />Sincerely, <br />.• ~ rte,. "ks ?„ 4 <br />General Dep>.Ity Assistant Secretary <br />for Community Planning and Development <br />Enclosures <br />