In addition to the employt,,,~'excluded from. membership by said. Retirement_~aw, the following employees shall riot a -
<br />become members of the Retirement System: =
<br />No ~~rr~orl~l ~cLUSr~~ss
<br />Board and Public Agency agree that, except as provided in paragraph 9, no adjustment shall be made in the amount of contri-
<br />butions provided in paragraph 9a on account of prior service, or in the percentage provided in paragraph 9b, because of
<br />r-ariations in the numbers of employees who become members of said Retirement System on the effective date. hereof, from
<br />tli° number listed above, due to termination of service by such causes as death, resignation or discharge, or the employment
<br />of individuals not included in said number.
<br />4. Age ___E2Q___________shall be the normal minimum age for retirement for service, of miscellaneous members employed
<br />("60" or "65") -
<br />by public agency, that is, members other than Local Firemen and Local Policemen, and ____..:_-_______1~~ _____-__-______________________-___
<br />("one-sixtieth" if age is 60, or "one-seventieth" if age is 65)
<br />shall be the fraction of final compensation, as defined in said Retirement Law, to be provided on the average, for each year of
<br />service as a member, by the members' and Public Agency's normal- contributions, upon retirement at said minimum age.
<br />S. Benefits on account of prior service, that is, service credited hereunder as rendered to Public Agency prior to the
<br />effective date of participation, to respective members employed by Public Agency as Local Firemen or Local Policemen, shall
<br />be allowed. only as a percentage of the average salary specified in said Retirement Law, for each year of such service, and said
<br />percentage shall be_______l~____________________.per cent of the fraction of final compensation, as defined in the State Employees'
<br />(such as "50," "75," "100")
<br />Retirement Law, for each year of service rendered after said date, as determined for said respective members under said law,
<br />for retirement for service at age S S, or upon qualification for service retirement at a higher age. If a member retires- for service
<br />before attaining age S S, his prior service pension shall be reduced to that amount which the value of the pension as deferred to
<br />age S S will purchase at the actual age of retirement. `
<br />6. Prior service benefits to miscellaneous members employed by Public Agency, that is, members other than Local
<br />Firemen and Local Policemen, upon retirement for service at the normal minimum age entered in paragraph 4 hereof, shall be
<br />allowed only as a percentage of the average salary specified in said Retirement Law, for each. year of such service, and said
<br />percentage shall be----- -100---------------Per cent of-------------------- 1/~ ----------------------------------------------------------------•
<br />(such as "50," "75," "100") ("one-sixtieth" if minimum age above is 60, or "one-seventieth" if minimum age above is 65)
<br />If a member retires for service before attaining the normal minimum age in item 4, his prior service pension shall be reduced
<br />to that amount which the value of the pension as deferred to said minimum age will purchase at the actual age of retirement.
<br />2325$B _ of the State Employees'
<br />7. The provisions of Section--------------- ----------- -------------------------------- ------
<br />("212586" if minimum age above is 60, or "23258c" if minimum age above is 65)
<br />Retirement Law, guaranteeing a minimum retirement allowance under certain conditions _____. ~~I!I!_____________.__.._ apply to
<br />("shall" or "shall not")
<br />employees of Public Agency who become members of said Retirement System.
<br />