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Page 38 of 41 <br />protection shall conform to the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (W.A.T.C.H.) 2000 <br />Edition. <br />The Contractor shall make every effort to keep conuttercial driveways open during working <br />hours. Should this not be possible, Contractor shall coordinate with the property owners affected <br />to insure that designated times of ingress and egress is available. After working hours, alI <br />driveways shall be accessible with smooth and safe crossings through .any construction area <br />(State of California Traffic Manual). <br />2.14 INOUItRIES AND COMPLAINTS <br />The Contractor shall maintain an office at some fixed place and shall maintain a telephone <br />thereat, listed in the telephone directory in his own name or in the fine name by which he is most <br />commonly known. Furthermore, the Contractor shall, at all times, have some responsible <br />person(s), employed by the Contractor, to take the necessary action regarding all inquiries and <br />complaints that may be received from the City of Santa Ana, SAP1tF, andlor private citizens <br />during normal working hours. <br />Whenever immediate action is required to prevent impending injury, death or property damage to <br />the facilities being maintained, the SAPRF representative may, after reasonable attempt to notify <br />the Contractor cause such action to be taken by the SAPRF work force. All costs of any such <br />action shall be charged against the Contractor, or the SAP}3F may deduct such cost from any <br />amount due to Contractor from SAP1tF. <br />INQUIRIES AND COMPLAINTS -continued <br />All complaints shall be abated as soon as possible after notification, to the satisfaction of the City <br />of Santa Ana and/or SAPIZF. If any complaint is not abated within a reasonable time, the <br />SAP1tF representative shall be notified immediately of the reason for not abating the complaint <br />followed by a written report to the SAPRF representative within five (5) days. If the complaints <br />are not abated within the time specified or to the satisfaction of the SAPRF representative ,the <br />SAPRF representative may correct the specific complaint and the total cost incurred by the <br />SAPRF will be deducted and forfeit from the payments owing to the Contractor from the <br />SAPRF. Such cost shall include alI SAPRF staff time required to resolve the problem and <br />appropriate overhead charges. <br />2.15 NOTIFICATION OF LOCATIONS OF WORK <br />'The Contractor shall notify the SAPRF representative when the contractor's crews will be <br />working within the SAPRF. Said notifications will be made on a daily basis by telephone, cell <br />phone, fax, or by weekly written schedules which specify the entire weeks work locations. <br />H:VNiAPEZ1AGREEMENTS CONTRACTS & SPECiFICATIONSISPEC(FICAT10NS1Tm Pruning Spec's.doc <br />25H-52 <br />