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b. Obtain prior FRA approval of the use of Engineering Alternate Safety Measures (ABMs) and <br />modified Supplemental Safety Measures (SSMs). The public authority shall obtain FRA <br />approval of the use of Non-Engineering ABMs and also conduct field studies to obtain <br />baseline violation rates before and after implementation of Non-Engineered ASMs as per <br />Section II, Appendix B, Part §222. <br />c. Conduct diagnostic team evaluation meetings of all public, pedestrian and private <br />highway-rail grade crossings that provide access to the public, or which provide access <br />to active industrial or commercial sites, and are located in the proposed quiet zone. The <br />public authority shall provide SCRRA, all railroads operating over the public highway-rail <br />grade crossings within the proposed quiet zone (Amtrak, Union Pacific Railroad and/or <br />BNSF Railway Company), affected SCRRA member agency or agencies, the State agency <br />responsible for highway and road safety and the State agency responsible for grade crossing <br />safety (the California Public Utilities Commission [CPUC]) an opportunity to participate in <br />the diagnostic team reviews of all crossings located in the proposed quiet zones. The <br />diagnostic team should analyze and evaluate each crossing within the proposed quiet zone as <br />per Appendix F, Part §222. The crossings shall be equipped or treated in accordance <br />with the recommendations of the diagnostic team. SCRRA expressly reserves the right <br />to comment on and/or object to the FRA and/or the CPUC on any aspect, including the <br />extent of the proposed quiet zone, the selection of improvements by the public authority <br />or the design thereof, if in its judgment the proposed quiet zone, or any aspect thereof, <br />will result in a reduction of safety within the zone. <br />d. Submit all required applications to CPUC for alterations to existing crossings and obtain <br />approval of the project work. <br />SCRRA <br />e. Execute Construction and Maintenance (C&M) Agreements prepared and submitted by <br />SCRRA for quiet zone improvements including railroad construction. <br />£ Make any and all necessary non-railroad related improvements at no cost to SCRRA. <br />g. Install advance warning signs conforming to the standards contained in the Manual on <br />Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) that advises the motorist that train horns are not <br />sounded at each highway approach to every public and private highway-rail grade crossing <br />within a quiet zone, pursuant to §222.35(c). Install additional warning signs elsewhere within <br />the proposed quiet zone, at locations other than highway-rail grade crossings as may be <br />recommended by the diagnostic team, advising pedestrians or others that train horns are not <br />sounded within the quiet zone. <br />h. Conduct a periodic review on a schedule determined by C&M agreement among the <br />public authority, SCRRA, CPUC, and other affected parties, after completion of the <br />construction and the establishment of the quiet zone. These reviews will be conducted <br />in the field and will consider any changes, together with any future improvements or <br />developments that may have or will affect the qualification of the quiet zone. Should <br />additional railroad improvements be required in order to maintain the proposed quiet <br />zone, the public authority shall reimburse SCl3RA for any additional costs associated <br />with said improvements. <br />i. For quiet zones implemented with an SSM at each public crossing, affirm, pursuant to <br />§222.47(a), in writing to FRA and SCRRA that the SSMs implemented within the proposed <br />quiet zones continue to conform to the requirements of Appendix A, Part §222 and provide <br />an up-to-date, accurate and complete Grade Crossing Inventory Form for each public, private <br />and pedestrian crossing within the proposed quiet zone, between 4% and 5 years after the date <br />Page 2 4/21 /06 <br />25B-34 <br />