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Exhibit KB" <br />Notice of Intent <br />(§222.43(b)) <br />1.0 Required Contents <br />a. A list of each public highway-rail grade crossing, private highway-rail grade crossing, and <br />pedestrian crossing within the quiet zone, identified by both the U.S. National Highway-Rail <br />Grade Crossing Inventory Number, and by street or highway name. <br />b. A statement of the time period within which restriction on the routine sounding of the <br />locomotive horn will be imposed. (i.e., 24-hours or from 10 p.m. until ? a.m.). <br />c. A brief explanation of the public authority's tentative plans for implementing improvements <br />within the proposed quiet zone. <br />d. The name and title of the person who will act as point of contact during quiet zone <br />development process and the manner in which that person can be contacted. <br />e. A list of the names and addresses of each party that shall be notified in accordance with <br />§222.43(a)(1). <br />2.0 60-Day Comment Period <br />a. A party that receives a copy of the public authority's Notice of Intent may submit information <br />or comments about the proposed quiet zone to the public authority during the 60-day period <br />after the date on which the Notice of Intent was mailed. <br />b. The 60-day comment period established under paragraph §222.43(b)(2)(i) may terminate <br />when the public authority obtains from each railroad operating over the public grade <br />crossings within the proposed quiet zone, the State agency responsible for grade crossing <br />safety, and the State agency responsible for highway and road safety: <br />• Written comments; or <br />• Written statements that the raikoad and State agency do not have any comments on the <br />Notice of Intent ("no-comment statements".) <br />Disclaimer: This summary of the final rule is for information purposes only. Entities subjecE to the final rule should refer to the rule text as <br />published in the Federal Register on April 27, 2005. Should any portion of this summary conflict with the final rule, the language of the final rule <br />shall govern. <br />SCRRA Page 7 4/21/Ob <br />25B-39 <br />