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FBF <br />CONSULTING <br />April 9, 2008 <br />Mr. Pedro Guillen <br />Associate Planner <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, M-20 <br />Santa Ana, California 92701 <br />JN 00-000300 <br />Subject: Statement of Qualifications for On -Call Environmental Review Services, City of <br />Santa Ana <br />Dear Mr. Guillen: <br />RBF Consulting is pleased to submit this Statement of Qualifications to provide professional <br />environmental consulting services to the City of Santa Ana. Our expertise, responsiveness, in- <br />house resources and multi -disciplinary capabilities enable RBF to provide high quality services and <br />technically accurate work products that are responsive to the unique environmental and community <br />issues of concern. We also have a well -established track record of completing complex and <br />politically sensitive projects on time and within budget. In addition, RBF offers the following factors <br />for your consideration: <br />1 ❖ Project Team Commitment and Availability: The designated Team will be led by Mr. <br />Glenn Lajoie, AICP, Mr. Eddie Torres, INCE, and Ms. Starla Barker. The RBF team will <br />work closely with the City as an extension of Staff to resolve conflicts early and expedite the <br />CEQA and/or NEPA review process. <br />7 <br />•3 Legally Defensible Documentation: Preparation of legally defensible documents is <br />imperative in today's environment. Throughout RBF's 35 years of preparing environmental <br />documentation, we have attained extensive experience in writing and processing accurate, <br />legally defensible environmental documents for all types of policy, development and <br />infrastructure projects. <br />❖ Multi -Disciplinary Capabilities: RBF possess a unique in-house network of over 1,000 <br />professionals in disciplines including Planning/Environmental Services, Transportation/ <br />Traffic Engineering, Civil Engineering (including Grading, Public Works, Water/Wastewater <br />and Hydrology), Mechanical/Electrical/Energy Engineering, Computer Aided Design and <br />Drafting (CADD) and GIS Services, Mapping, Surveying, Aerial Photogrammetry and Media <br />Services, which results in a coordinated and efficient effort, with full -service consulting <br />capabilities within one firm. <br />❖ On -Call Serve Capabilities: RBF is currently contracted with the City of Santa Ana to <br />provide on -call CEQA compliance consulting services. In addition to Santa Ana, RBF <br />currently provides on -call CEQA compliance consulting services for the cities of Bakersfield, <br />Cypress, El Segundo, Lancaster, Long Beach, Santa Clarita, Seal Beach, Westminster and <br />the Town of Mammoth Lakes for various infrastructure and development projects. <br />PLANNING ■ DESIGN ■ CONSTRUCTION <br />14725 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618-2027 ■ P.O. Box 57057, Irvine, CA 92619-7057 ■ 949.472.3505 ■ Fax 949.472.8373 <br />Offices located throughout California, Arizona & Nevada ■ c <br />printed on recycled paper <br />