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<br />, <br /> <br />~...,~.."..._- ,-- '. <br /> <br />......, <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />"'" <br /> <br />immediately preceding the effective date of par~icipation, for each <br />year of service prior to that date. Upon retirement at age eo, if <br />tt.e Agency elects 55 as the lowest optiuna1 service retirement age, <br />tne traction is approximately 1/60th inatead of 1/70th. <br /> <br />4. A minimum oervice retirement allowance of '40 per month is guaranteed <br />upon retirement at age 10 with credit for service rendered prior to <br />oaid effective date, if the Public Agency elects age 60 as the lowest <br />optional service retirement age, or a ml~lmum allowance of $60 per <br />month upon retirement at age 65 or over with twenty yeare of service, <br />or upon retirement at age 70 with credit for prior service, if tne <br />Puo1ic Agsncy elects age 55 as the lowest optional service retirement <br />aile. <br /> <br />Retirement for dioability, except in the ca,e of local firemen and <br />local policemen dioab1ed from injury arising out of and in the course <br />of employment, is permitted only after ten years of service and upon <br />proof of incapacity for the performancs of duty. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />6. The monthly retiremsnt allowance payable upon disability retirement, <br />deocribed in preceding item 5, is dependent upon such factors as age, <br />sslary and years of service, but generally is equs1 to 90% of 1/10th, <br />or 1/60th a. the c..e may be, of the average monthly salary during <br />the five yearo immediately preceding retirement, for each year of ser- <br />vice, with s guarantee of 25% of said salary, subject to certain re- <br />strictions and modifications. <br /> <br />7. Dieabi1ity retirement of local firemen and local policemen, in the <br />event of disability arie~ng out of and in the course of employment, <br />is permitted regard1eos of age and service, the monthly retirement <br />allowance oeing one-half the average monthly salary during the five <br />years immediately preceding retirement. <br /> <br />S. The benefit psysb1e at death before retiremsnt, except in the csse of <br />local firemen and local policemen dying from injury arising out of and <br />in the course of employment, consi.ts of the contrioutions of the mem- <br />ber plus interst, and plus 1/12th of the member's annual salary during <br />the year immediately preceding death, for each year, not exceedir~ <br />six years, of service ao a member of the system. Upon death after <br />retirement, and st the election of the Public Agency, a bensfit of <br />$300 is payao1e. <br /> <br />9. The monthly allowance payable to the widow and children, at the death <br />of local firemen and local policemen arising out of and in the course <br />of employment, is one-half the sverags monthly salary during the five <br />years immediately preceding desth. <br /> <br />"'" <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br />The benefit upon separation from service ~y other cauee tr~n aeath or <br />retirement, 1s the ref~~d of the memoer's contributions, with interest. <br />Memoers having accumulated contrioutlons of at least '500 upon reoig- <br />nation or uischarge, may elect irrevocably, within ninety days, to <br />leave contrloutions in the Retirement Fund, snd then upon reaching the <br />lowest optional oervics retirement age or becoming disabled, to be en- <br />titled to receive such retirement sllowance as will be provided by <br />their and the Agency's contributions and their credited service, re- <br />gsrd1ess of service rendered. <br /> <br />11. Contributions required of local firemen and local policemen without <br />credit for prior service, depend upon salary and upon age of entry <br />into the retiremsnt eystem, the contributions per S100 of salary vary- <br />ing from '7.63 at entry ags 21 to $14.35 at sntry age 35. Contri- <br />butions of firemen and policemen having credit for prior service depend <br />on salary, entry age, and a~ount of prior service, the aMount of con- <br />tribution per '100 oeing $16.33 for example, at entry age 54, with 19 <br />years of prior servioe. <br /> <br />"'" <br /> <br />1?. For other Agency employees, the contributiono depend upon salary, <br />sex and age of entry into the retirement system, the contrloutl~nB <br />per $100 of salary verylng from $4.83 at age 20, to 87.45 at age 64, <br />for men, and from 95.83 at age 20, tc 9S.50 at sge 64, for women, all <br />based on the Public Agency's election of age 60 as the lowest optional <br />service retirement age. If the Puo1ic Agency elects sge 55 as the <br />lowest optional service retirement age the contributions per .100 ot <br />salary vary from ".22 at age 20, to '10.26 at age 59, for men, and <br />fr?m ~e.51 at age 20, to $11.01 at age 59, for women. <br /> <br />13. The Agency i. re~uired to contribute tne oalance of the funds neces- <br />eary to meet the cost of the oeneflts provided under toe retlrement <br />syetem for the Agency emp10yeeo. Tne Agency also io require' to pay <br />its proportlonate share of tne administrative coeto of the system. <br /> <br />Aoi1ity of the Retirement System to pay oeneri,s is sateguarded by . <br />provieion authorizlng the board ot Administration to revise contricu- <br />t10ilS of oath employefs and the Agency, in the light of experience <br />under tne SY8tem. <br /> <br />14. <br /> <br />of San ta Ana . <br />(Name of Public Agency) <br />approve a contract between said Citl-Counci1 and the Board of Admin- <br />[Name of-Governing-SOayr- <br />ietrstion of the State Employees' Retirement System, providing for the partie i- <br /> <br />Ci ty Council <br />(Name of Governing body 1 <br />give, and it ~oes hereby give <br /> <br />__of JhU1U-.. <br /> <br />bE IT RESOLVE~, thet the <br /> <br />notice of intention to <br /> <br />pation of said Ci~Y of Ssnta ~na in ssid Retirement System, a copy of aaid <br />(Name of Putlic ~encyl <br />