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<br />"- - <br /> <br />Stat. Employees' Retlr.ment Syst.m, h.reafter referred to BS "Board." <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: <br /> <br />"'" <br /> <br />In conslderatlon of the covenants and agr.ement. h.r.lnaft.r contaln.d <br /> <br /> <br />and on the part of oath partle. to bs and perform.d, Pu~llc Agency and <br /> <br /> <br />~oard hereby agree a. follow.: <br /> <br /> <br />1. Publlc hgency 18 to partlclpate ln the State Employ...' R.tlr.ment <br /> <br /> <br />System, subject to the provl.10n. of the State Employ.e.' R.tlrement Law. <br /> <br /> <br />2. Pu~llc Agency .hall partlclpate ln .ald Retlrement Syst.m, maklng <br /> <br /> <br />It. .mployee. m.mbers of sald Sy.t.m, from and after July 1. lS47 <br /> <br /> <br />3. Employee. of Publlc Agency ln the followlng cIa.... .hall <br /> <br /> <br /> of sald Retlrement Sy.tem ln accordanc. wlth the provl.lonB of Bald <br /> <br /> <br />Retlrement Law, governlng membershlp ln .ald R.tlr.m.nt Syst.m, and subJ.ct to <br /> <br /> <br />the further .xcluslon. from member.hlp ln the next followlng s.nt.nce: <br /> <br /> <br />Number of Employe.. <br /> <br />Ellglbl. for Member.hlp <br /> <br />Cla.ees of Employ... <br /> <br />a. Local Flrem.n, a. d.fln.d ln <br />the Stet. Employ.e.' Retlrement <br />.waw............................ . <br /> <br />on <br /> <br />Jan. 1. lS47 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />b. Local a. d.flned ln the <br />Stat.' Retlr.m.nt <br />Law............................. . <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />c. Employe.. other than Local Flr.- <br />m.r. and Local Pollcemen....... .. <br /> <br />lli <br /> <br />In addltlon to the exclud.d from memb.ranlp by aald rl.tlr.ment <br /> <br /> <br />Law, the following employees shall ~ot oecome meMOfrs of the Retirement &yetem: <br /> <br /> <br />"'" No ac,,1t 10nal exclualon.. <br /> <br /> <br />poard and Pu~llc Ag.ncy agr.e that, a. provld.d ln paragraph;S, no <br /> <br /> <br />adjustment .hall oe mad. ln the amount of contrlbutlon. provlded ln paragraph <br /> <br /> <br />9a on account of prlor ..rvlc., or ln the p.rc.ntag. provld.d ln paragraph Sb, <br /> <br />oecauee of variations in the numbers of employees who become memoers of said <br /> <br />R.tlrem.nt Sy.t.m on the effeotlve date hereof, from the numb.r 11.ted abov., <br /> <br /> <br />due to termlnatlon of .ervlce by such cau... aa d.ath, r..lgnatlon or di.charge, <br /> <br />or the employment of 1~ulvluU81s not included 1n eald number. <br /> <br />4. Ag. 60 .hall be the normal mlnlmum ag. for r.tlrem.nt <br />"60" or "5511 <br />for service, of miscellaneous members employed by public agency, that ls, members <br /> <br />other than Local Flremen and Local Pollcemen, and <br /> <br /> <br />("one-.lxtleth" lf ago ls 60, <br /> <br />.hall be the fractlon of flnal compen.atlon a. <br /> if age is 65) <br />defln.d ln .ald Retlrement Law, to b. provlded on the av.rag., for .ach year of <br /> <br />service ae s memoer, by the memoerst an~ Public Agency's normal contr1out1ons, <br /> <br />upo~ retirement at aaid minimum age. <br /> <br />5. ceneflte on account of prlor ..rvlce, that 1. ..rvlc. cr.dlt.d <br /> <br /> <br />her.under as rendered to Puollc A~ency prlor to the .ff.ctlve date ot partlclpatlon, <br /> <br /> <br />to re.pectlve mem~er. .mployed oy Puullc ag.ncy a. Local flr.m.n or Local Pollc.- <br /> <br />\,.. <br /> <br />men. snaIl De alloweu only ae a percentage of the average salary specified <br /> <br /> <br />ln .atd Retlrement Law, for .ach year of .uch ..rvlc., and .ald <br /> <br />shall be <br /> <br />100 per c.nt of the fractlon of f1nal comp.n- <br />(such 88 1150" J "75" J "100") <br />ae d.flntd ln the Stete Employ...' R.tlr.m.nt Law, for .aoh year of <br /> <br />sation. <br /> <br />..rvlc. r.nder.d after .ald date, as d.termlned for .ald re.pectlv. m.mber. <br /> <br /> <br />under sald law, for retlr.ment for aervloe at age 55, or upon quallfloatlon tor <br /> <br /> <br />..rvlc. r.tlrem.nt at a hlgher age. If a m.mb.r r.tlr.. for ..rvlc. b.for. <br />