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<br />-,"'~ <br />. <br /> <br />...,.., <br /> <br />,,,,.';<~' <br />U''l;Jf{1 <br />It - <br />... <br /> <br />ORDINANCB NS-711 AUTHOtUZING AMUDMIliT '1'0 <br />THE CON'l'RACT BJIT'IfBJIN TD CITY COUNCIL OF THB <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA ABD THE BOARD 011' ADMINISTRATION <br />011' THlI CALIl!'OlUiIIA STATB BMPLOYaIS' IUI'l'IlUIMBN'l' <br />SYSTEM <br /> <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA OOllS ORDAIN AS <br />FOLLOWS. <br /> <br />SICTION 1. That an amendment to the cont:cact be1:loNlen the <br />City Council of the City of Santa AnA ancl the Boa:c4 of Adminiatra- <br />tion. California State .ploye... 1teti:cement Syst_ is he:ceby <br />authorized to include in sai4 Contract the p:coviaiona of GoVe:cnment <br />Code Section 20834.1, a copy of s.i4 A1dn4ment being attached <br />he:ceto. marked "1bch1bit A", an4 by thi. :cefe:cenee i. made a part <br />hereof a. though herein .et out in full. <br /> <br />SBCTION 21 The ....yo:c of ni4 City Council i. heX'eby <br />authorized, 8IlIpowe:ce4 an4 4irected to execut.e .aid Ulen4ment for <br />ancl on behalf of said Ag'ency, and the Clerk. of the Council i. <br />cUrecte4 to att..t the .... <br /> <br />SIICTION 3. Thi. 0:c4inance lIhall take effect thi:cty day. <br />afte:c the date of it.. aeioption, an4 ~io:c to tifteen days fX'OCII the <br />pas.age thereof shall be published at 1...1: once in 'l'be lUIgi8te:c. <br />a newpape.r of gene:cal circulat.ion, publiahe4 and circulated in the <br />City of Santa AnA. ancl thencefo:cth and thereafte:c the 8U1e shall be <br />in full force an4 effect.. <br /> <br />SBeTION 4. The Amendment t.o the Cont:cact herein provided <br />for shall take effect on the l.t day of April. 1964. <br /> <br />PASSJID ABD ADOPTJID by the City Council of the City of Santa <br />AnA .t ita r....,ul.:c aeeUD9 held on the 3rd day of J'ebrua:cy, 1964. <br /> <br />A'l'TlIS'l. <br /> <br />I)()RIS It. llROIm <br />CIJIRK Of THB COUlfCIL <br /> <br />A.. At.TJat HApL <br />MAYOR <br /> <br />STATI OF CALIII'OIUlIA) <br />COUIl1'1'Y 0' OM.1ltG1 ) S8 <br />CITY Of SANTA ANA ) <br /> <br />I, OOMS M. JUlO1ftI, do he:ceby certify tl'Iat I UI the Clerk. of <br />the Council of the City of Santa Ana. Cal1fornia, tl'Iat. the fo:c....,oing <br />O:cdinance va. introduced at a revula:c IlIHtiD9 of the City Council of <br />said Cit.y held on the 20th day of Jan\I8J:Y, 1964, and va8 avain con- <br />sic:lN'ed by Council at ita :c....,ulu aeet1D9 helei on the 3rd day <br />of lI'ebruary, 1964. aM at Hid aeeUD9 va. regula.l'ly passed anei <br />adopted by nid Council by the follOWiD9 vote, to wit. <br /> <br />AYlIS. <br /> <br />COU1llCILMlDh Hul:lbnrd, Harvey, G1ll1lorEt, Schlueter, H..ll <br /> <br />NallS. <br /> <br />COUNCILMDh !lone <br />COUNCILMIUJ. None <br /> <br />ABSD'l' , <br /> <br />llOOIS M. Jl'IlOWJI <br />CLUJ( 0' 'l'HI COUNCIL <br />