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17. 1IA~ARI~UU`S YIA'I'>N:[21~LS (PN1F9.1 S} <br />.-1. i~cill~iticari oI'i 1<~r_~rcious Vlatt;rials. I~or ptn-poses of this (..:ease, tht; term "'Hara;•dous tViaterial" or <br />'"1-trYiardous ~~taterials"' shall rnt:an any l~arardous i~r toxic substance, zz~atcrial, product, byproduct, car <br />waste evhiclt is or shall become regulated b}<~ any governmental entity, including, ~vithaut limitatit~n, <br />I)IS"I'R1[;T, acting in its governmental capacity, the State oFC'alitornia, or tltc tJ~iited Stags <br />gaverrtm4nt. <br />f3, t~s~ of llafardous i4latenals. 'I'l:N~N"1' or °1'I;Nr~:N'1''S c;mployces, agents,. independent contractors or <br />invitees (collectively "TINt~N"i" Parties"} shall not. catrse ar pern~it any Harardorls ivlaterials to be <br />brought upon, stared, kept, used, generated, released into the environment ar dispasetl af'on, under, <br />fro ar about the Premises (which Ft3r purposes of'this clause shall. include the subsurface soil and. <br />ground water}. Notwithstanding the foregoing, TLNf~'~ F ~laay, subjoct to Director's prior tivr•itten <br />permission, keep an or about the Premises small. €Iuantities of Eiarardous tilaterials that are used ire the <br />ordinary, customary, and 1<tr~~ful cleaning oFand bt;siness operations on the Premises. Said permitted <br />Hazftrdaus :Vlatt;rials shall be stort;d in a safe location anti shad be disposed of i;t a rtlaniter provided <br />by law. <br />C-. `i~I~N-~~N`` C)bli~ations. If the presence; of any 11a~ardaus ylatc;rials c7n, under or about the <br />Premises caused or permitted by TI~IAN~' or TENAN`T' Parties results in (i} injury to any pt'rsi~n, (ii} <br />i~~jt;ry to or contar~tinatiori al the Premises (ar a portion thertaf~, or the I~ lood Cantral Channel, ar (iii} <br />injur~F to ar col~tamiriation of any real ar prsonttl property wherever situated, 'I"WANT, at its sole <br />cast and expense, shall promptly take ail actions necess~uy ar appropriate to return. the Prtmises andiar <br />the blood Control Channel to the condition existing prior to the introduction of such Ilarardotis <br />71~1.aterials to the Premises andr'ar to the I;1ood Control C`"hannt;l and to retnody or ropair any such injury <br />or contamination. ~Vithaut limiting any other rights or remedies of IJTS1"RIOT und:cr this h.e~aso, <br />TI~;NAN"l' shall pay the cast of'any clt;antrp or remedial. rvark pc:rl:orrtied on, under' or about the <br />Premises as retluired by this ar by applicable la~~~s itl e.annectiatt with the removal, disposal, <br />neutrali:~ation or atlter treairtient aFsuch Hazardous ylate•ials cattseci or permitted by '1°INA~I'I` ai° <br />"1°1~;N ~ON`f Parties. Votwithstanding the Fare~;aing, ~l'1.`~IANT shall not take any remedial action. in <br />response to the presence, dischargt~: or release, of ar~y l-larardous ivlatcrals on, trtider err about the <br />Premise=s cansc~ci ar permitted by 'I,EN~~N1` or'i'F;NAN'i' Parties, or cater into any settlement <br />agreeztient, consc;nt decrt;c; ar other compromise with any governmental or quasi-govc;rt~mcntal entity <br />ivtlzotrt first obtaining the prior ~vtitteri canst;nt of DIS`I'KICT. All ivark performed or caused to be <br />performed by 'TENANT as provided Far above sha11 be done in good and workmanlike manner and in <br />coml~liancc with plans, specifications, perntits, and other reyuircments For such work approved by <br />T)IS"I'R1C "1'. <br />D. intic>>~l~ificatian for Hazardous Vtatertils. 'I'a the: fullest extent permitted by la~v, TENANT hereby <br />agrees to indemnify, hold hanttlcss, pratt;ct and dt;fend [with attorney(s) approved in jvriting by <br />L31S'1`RiC"1'] D1S'I'RICT and County, their elcctec[ officials, afticGrs, t;rnployec;s, agents, and <br />independent cantractars and the Premises, from anal a.ainst any anti ail liabilities, losses, damages <br />(incltuling, `but not limited to, damages for the loss or restriction. af~ use of rentable or usable space c>r <br />any amenity of the Promises or damages arising; from any adverse impact on marketing and dmintrtion <br />in fire valor; o1'the Premises}, judgments, tines, demands, claims, recoveries, dcfieiencies, casts and <br />SJri.:§,~3 .a l2ivirC la;~;,:~ ~--l~3 rj2) <br />:,", ~trux 'ruin Ic i ~~~1 tl2i \' 3(>.?~).?(li}h.} <br />20C-12 <br />