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LEASE <br />`]'Ilia, I,1~:.~SI~; (I.caSe) is ttt<tdc __-_ , ?()()c) ("Effective Date"}, bar ztnci ta4t~~reen <br />()]ZriNtll:, C()]..N`1`~' 11I,C)()U C'():N-1`k()l_:.I:)]S"I'KI("]`, tz bttdv cc}rporate az~d ptalitic, hercitaa€ter referred <br />tc} as "1)i~'I~I2IC""I•." and tlae C'I"]`1' ()1~ S~'~N'1'.~~ .1~,1.'~. a n~ttnieipai ccaz-pcar<~ticzn, laereinaftt;r referred tc~ as <br />„•1'I~'~l ~`~"",„ ~vithtaut rel;ard tca tauzatber and ~~;etader. <br /> <br /><~~,, I)1~"i`RIC"I' <zw-ta.> c:crttti€a real tart7~crty situated aic>it~, tia~; ~nesterly borer ot~the: ~atata t'~na liver <br />C,ltanne.i itntrzt~diate]y south tzi- l~;dtaa i)rive iza file f:'itY oI'Sattta ~"~ntt, as describ~:d in I~°xhibit t'1 and sho~vza <br />in ~thibit l3, b€ath tt]'t~~hich zzr tttt~tcht:.~ #at?.r~to_ <br />I3. l)1~1'l~Ii:"]' <~jtd "l'I~;l~.~;~1"]' etrtes~ecl into .~~reenaent (`'.F14,~reetiaent''} dated January=. 1 >. 1973, t~~ht;reizz <br />the •] 1;?~i~1..~,'"1' leasc;d fi-on~ I.)lS']~Rit"]` salt] farce] tt}r pulalic iaark pttrJat>ses for tz perit3c] 2S Years. <br />C'. '1']at; Parct:l ~~`hic]z is cotalznonly krct~vta as iclna Park. is itaalaroved wit]a ]aarkn~ ]tat, rest area, <br />play~,rc>und area, irrigation sYstc:n-s, landscape (native Ialants Iaushes, tree::, and sod). park benc]aes, bicycle <br />r•at;k5. restroczzaa iac;ilitY, and paved trzzil accesses. <br />]), Saki prcalaert) is i~~eJl suited for corttirtueci ttse as Kt pubic park facilitr~~ and is presently surplus to tine <br />heeds ctf" I)I~"1~RiC°l'. <br />l~. 1)l~'I~lt]l"1` and I ir?~I:~~`I' nosy v~tisla tt~ ether izato a tte~~~ ?~ v'ettr :Lease fear the Parcel. <br />I~()'~~'. "l`ll1;llI~()I~1~', the. iaartit;s heretc+ a~!re` as lct]ior~s: <br />I. DI';I~IVITIt~N~ {l''vI~~12.1 S} <br />1`he lta]]tz~~rins~ ~.~~ttrcls in flit, I_.ease have the si~iaiticartce attat;]atci to them itz this clause. ut7le:~s cathcrwis€: <br />tzpl~a.'ent l-«taz cotatext: <br />"Board caf ~upervist-rs" ziaettns the Board cri~ ~uper~riscars +:~I` the (_'ounty t7f ()range actitzg as t]ac; 4~tavertaing <br />bc}ard ol~the ()r4tn~t; County Floaci C"tatatrczl District. <br />"C'ttuntY" zaze<tns the ~'c}tatty cal'()rati~e, tt poiiticai sttbdivisian of tht' ~i~tte of't'aiiFttrna <br />„I)irecttzr" tjae:Gtns the l7irt;ctor. ()C' Puialic ~~'orks. t:'tzuzaty tzi~()ran~;e, car designee. <br />.`F'Ictc~cl (;tyntrol (:"Iza€tnel" means tht: ~anttt ;ltaa I~.i.ver C`hanne.]~uaci apJaurtettant structurt;s lc:zcatect <br />adjzcctat te> tla~:; i;aster]v laorder taf ibc ]eztsc]ao]d premises. <br />1 ~~a, ;1rt~t iZsvice < 1~ u;t:el i7 i< I;?~ 1 } <br />r,a:z7~:I'„I, ,ease 7~t;b' ]~5.?~; .~) <br />20D-5 <br />