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1 required information and documentation, as set forth in Attachment B hereto ("How to Apply for JAG <br />2 Grant Reimbursements"), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. In no event <br />3 will the total amount of the grant funds transferred by COUNTY to SUBGRANTEE hereunder exceed <br />4 SUBGRANTEE's allocation, as set forth in Attachment C hereto ("JAG Program Allocation"), which is <br />5 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br />6 2. SUB-GRANTEE shall be reimbursed with said grant funds only for expenditures <br />7 necessary to acquire personal property or equipment as set forth in Attachment A hereto [herinafter <br />8 called "grant property and equipment"] or to perform such other grant functions, if any, for which <br />9 Attachment A specifies that SUBGRANTEE may utilize grant funds. <br />10 3. Throughout their useful life, SUBGRANTEE shall use grant property and equipment <br />I 1 only for grant purposes in accordance with Attachment A hereto. <br />12 4. SUBGRANTEE shall exercise due care to preserve and safeguard grant property and <br />13 equipment from damage or destruction and shall provide regular maintenance and such repairs for grant <br />14 property and equipment as are necessary, in order to keep said grant property and equipment <br />15 continually in good working order. <br />16 5. If grant property or equipment becomes obsolete, SUBGRANTEE shall dispose of it <br />17 only in accordance with the instructions of COUNTY or the agency from which COUNTY received the <br />18 grant funds. <br />19 6. SUBGRANTEE shall submit to the COUNTY grant program reporting documents and <br />20 information in accordance with requirements set out in Attachment D ("Edward Byrne Memorial Justice <br />21 Assistance Grant Reporting Requirements"), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br />22 Ilreference. <br />23 I I 7. SUBGRANTEE shall comply with all applicable terms of the certification(s) that are <br />24 I I attached hereto as Attachment E and incorporated herein by reference. <br />25 II 8. By executing this Agreement, SUBGRANTEE agrees to comply with and be fully <br />26 bound by this Agreement and all applicable provisions of Attachments A, B, C, D and E hereto. <br />27 SUBGRANTEE shall notify COUNTY immediately upon discovery that it has not abided or no longer <br />28 I I will abide by any applicable provision of this Agreement or Attachments A, B, C, D or E hereto. <br />Sheriff 2008 Page 2 of 5 <br />