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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />_ FINANCE & MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGENCY <br />PURCHASING DIVISION <br />20 CIVIC C1-:NTER PLAZA M-lb <br />P.O. E30X 198A SAN'I~A ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 <br />REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION TO COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS <br />Requests for exceptions to the competitive bidding process require detailed justification. This form must accompany <br />your requisition whenever an exception to the competitive bidding process is requested. Such a request should not be <br />made unless supported by factual statements that will pass an independent audit. Failure to respond fully to any of <br />the questions could result in delay or rejection of your request due to inadequate justification. <br />The Buyer or F&MS Agency Administrative Services Manager will determine whether the justification is appropriate. <br />1. Describe the product or service you wish to procure. Use enough detail to clearly describe what you are procuring <br />to someone not familiar with the process. <br />The City of Santa Ana is the reci ient affY20071/rhan Area Security /nitiative (UAS/ Grant funds funds from thisgrant wi//be used for an <br />,4utnmatic Yehic% Locating (AFL) system. Such s stems are a/ready im /emented in severs/pa/ice and fire departments thraughvut the <br />Orange County Operatiana/Area. AFL wi// enah/e ~v/ice Department andQCity managers to more efficient/y track and dep/vy.(in rea/time) <br />critics/resources during a catastrophic or terrorist event by using G/nha/Pasitiomng Sate//ite (GPS) techna/vgy and Gevspatia//nfarmatian <br />Systems (G/S) data. <br />2. What are the unique performance factors of the requested product or service that cannot be met by another vendor? <br />The cvnfiguratian, sohware, and system requested has a/readybeen purchased from this vender, Geaspatia/Techna/agies, and imp/emented <br />by I4 pa/ice/fire agencies within Orange County. 7Cauntywide agencies from Las,4nge%s, Riverside, and Ventura Counties have a/so <br />imp/emented the exactsamesystem. /n order tv maintain cansistencyand ensure interaperahi/ity, the exact same system mustbe <br />procuredand imp/emented. This wi//accamp/ish the eventua/gas/af/inking each agency's system and tracking Operatiana/andRegiana/ <br />area-wide resources during a catastrophic event. A sing/e, common operating picture wi//he passib/e. <br />I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT to the best of my knowledge, after having reviewed all pertinent information <br />available to me at this time, the followi g vendor is the so a source of supply for the required product or service <br />indicated <br />.~ l <br />~ /~ <br />G.-'- <br />--- - <br />REQUESTO}j~" --~--~ ~! ~~'~ ~~ -~ DATE: ~~ / ~~ /~~ <br />DEPT./DIV. HEAD: Vim-- DATE: ~/ l2~ BSc' <br />REQUISITION #: <br />25P-23 <br />