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I3r. I3~aniel St~lkamans <br />13v~-d Certified Chirvgr~stor <br />1.71.7 Old Tustin Ave. <br />Santa Ana, CA 9??~ <br />SL~-i1tARY (lF Dactvr of Clrisapractic dc~e with an etriplt3sis cx~ co~`rectivnal cArc ausd slxart <br />AC'I~IEVE11fE1\TS related snjuries. <br /> Nonvrable Llisclssrge from the tJnit~exl States Marine Ccarpr Rescr~~e <br />IrDLTCATION WFI'N Tltc American Ac:sdemy vf2*teurodl;agnost3c Testing„ Febraary 2U03 <br />SEPARATION DATES Ixtclustrial I~issbility Exa~nineri(,~ualified Medics! E.xszniner Course, I~:ov~ettiber ~tJU2 <br /> Leas Angeles Ccrllcge of Chimprac~Cic, December 2t~0 <br /> F~allertot- CaUege, Jixne i 49fi <br /> New College of Galifarnia Science institute, June 199a <br /> R,sncho Santisga College, .lzL~c 1992 <br /> School of Infantry, United Stag Marine Corps. Lkccn~r l'39l <br /> F3ogt Csrnp of the United Stales Marine Corps.., Septeztt}acr I ~3~} [ <br /> Lutheran High 5chvol of Uran$e C.autzty, 3ut~e 3.99 <br />RELATED W'ork+cd its a chincalxactic office from 1993 to 199$ were I achietiod Ilse ppsti+ata ~f <br />EXPERIF?VCE office cuanager, At this tmploymrnt i Res in charge of all front and bsGk 4~~ <br /> procedures for a high volume personal and uF~ic injury practice. <br /> Space 3anuary ~f 20t}1 I am the sale owner of an incarlaorated chraprat^tic pructi~ce ica <br /> th,e City of 5snta Ana destling with spinal and general health and wcllrics;~. <br />VOLU1titTEER WORK Member snd Ars~ba.s.Sa~lor of the Santa Ana. $usiness Alliance (Charnber ~tif <br /> Cccr3nnmercc} since ~(k)5 <br /> ?vember of the California Chirapractc Assvciaiitari <br /> Member of the Wortd Chiropractic Al:lance <br /> lion Man Triathlon ci+ticre I pcrfarnicd frcx Chiropractic therapy tc7 the competing. <br /> athletes. <br /> Sa1ti^atian Army H,arneless Shelter whcr,c 1 donatod rime, perforniin;g C:hirop;ac#ic <br /> services to hooaae3ess peopl.e- <br /> t.~rangee and Angeles Counties At13S clinics w~he~re 1 fi~1•c Chiropt`acxic tresitiricnt <br /> to AiT)S ~-ictims. <br /> t'3f~icial chitaptactvr far C)rariga i..urtlitrari High School's athletic program whetE. 1 <br /> treat the atiile+tes far a varict~~ of s{aorts injuries. <br /> af~cial chiropr~tar faT Rama Craci 7ujit-Su studicti, Sasita Ana where I trettt s#hletes <br /> for injuries, nvrn#a11y- to their necks and upp~cr e:xtrcrnitses <br />ACTIVL'TIES 1'as*~ci L~f~Ctr of C',ali.fvrnia Chirvp~raetic Assvciatian, C?range C.nty Chapter <br /> Was treasurer vfStttdent American Chiropractic Association during the 1'947 school <br /> year, <br />CERTIFICATIt3NS C'.ertitaed Neumdiagnvstic Eti~alisator, 'B'he ,'~merican Acadrrtyy al' Ncauuclia~rc~a`tic <br />aND I)ll'LO~S Testing <br /> Certified tndustsisl Disability miner; California Cltiroprt~tic Assa~ciution <br /> Lie~enso; Stat,c ofCetifarnia; ~ DC- $17~. <br /> Itmdiography Supearvisar and C}perat~'s Lccrtse; :51ste a#'Califomis; ~ ftHC-16t~79 Y <br /> i)octor of Chii~ixactic; Las Angeles Cvllet~e of Clyimpractic, <br /> CrrtificaUe of Internship; Los Angeles Ccallcge of Clairxypractic_ <br /> L;erti;ate of Attauimtnt; Natiurbal Bo~sttl ofChimpraCtic~ Exsrniracrs. <br /> Associates Degree, CliesnistTy Fulltxtu~i C:allege <br /> Certificarc of Cam:plttion; New Caikge of California Sciea~ Institute <br /> ;;i+ai~Ie Discharge; United StaicS Marine +~'-orps <br /> 3-Iigh Sclapvl t~ri{rlcama; t~atZ~e Lt~tkaerata Nigh. Schav <br />EXHIBIT 2 <br />13B-8 <br />