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RESOLUTION NO. 2009- <br />12/30/08 BK <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE (1) A PORTION OF THE <br />WEST SIDE OF ROSS STREET NORTH OF SANTA ANA BOULEVARD, <br />AND (2) A PORTION OF THE CITY'S "CIVIC CENTER" WEST OF THE <br />NEW COURT OF APPEAL, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON, <br />AND DIRECTING NOTICE THEREOF TO BE POSTED AND <br />PUBLISHED (ABANDONMENT NO. 09-01) <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1: Pursuant to and in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 3 of Division 9 <br />of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, this Council does hereby <br />declare its intention to vacate (1) a portion of the west side of Ross Street north of Santa <br />Ana Boulevard, and (2) a portion of the City's Civic Center west of the new Court of <br />Appeal and northwest of the new parking garage. The proposed abandonment areas are <br />shown on the map labeled Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof by this <br />reference. <br />Section 2: Notice is hereby given that at the hour of 6:00 P.M. or as soon <br />thereafter as the matter can be heard on February 2, 2009, in the City Council Chambers, <br />22 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California, a public hearing will be held by this Council <br />at which time any and all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation <br />hereinabove described may appear and be heard. <br />Section 3: The Clerk of the Council is hereby directed to cause this Resolution <br />to be published twice, once in each of the two successive weeks prior to the abovesaid <br />hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. <br />Section 4: The Executive Director of the Public Works Agency is hereby <br />directed to post conspicuously, in the manner prescribed by law, notice of the adoption of <br />this Resolution, containing the statement of the day, hour and place of hearing <br />hereinabove set forth, and describing the portion of the public right-of-way area to be <br />vacated at least two weeks before the date set for said hearing. <br />12A-4 <br />