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E):h bit G <br />Assurances & Certifications <br />Sele� e�] pro�iders �sill be required to sign and Sul>n-tit `actual - assurances and cetttlicates as <br />required h� the City (d Santa and the W orhl()rce Inv esu»cnt Board on all Como acts. <br />1 reco��t7i2.e that I must g�vr asstitrances for each item belov. 11.1 cannot_ this proposal will be <br />autot�tatically rejecied. Please i77ilial each boy,". <br />ri `� �� ; am authorized h� m\ Board of DirectoTrustees. other le��all� qualified officer. <br />rs. or a�" the o��ner of this <br />l- aeenc\ or business; to submit this proposal. <br />)" <br />not c.unentl\ on and' Federal. State of California. or local Debarnent list. <br />we c will provide records to show that are fiscally solvent. if needeo. <br />lha�-c. or ��ill have, all of the fiscal control and accounurn� procedure. needed to ensure that WIA funds <br />will be used as required by lain and contract. <br />We have additional funding_ sources and wile not be dependent on WIA funds alone. <br />We do or will meet the applicable Federal, State. and local compliance requirements. These include. but are not <br />limited to: <br />C_ <br />\]kecords accurateh reflect actual performance. <br />11 `Maintain record confidentiality, as required. <br />Reportin` financial. participant. and performance data, as required. <br />c J � Comph with State and Federal fiscal' and program acuvity audits. <br />0 " _',[]Comply ire witl-i Federal and State non-discrimination provisions. <br />r.r <br />C^ Meeting requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. <br />r <br />��]ee-tine requirements of the American's with Disabilities Act of 1090. (submit completed survey } <br />;�i�deeting all applicable labor lave. including Child Labor Law standards. <br />to provide a drug free workplace. <br />.4Lree to insure the Cif, of Santa Ana through General Liability insurance and Automobile Liabiliu, <br />Coverage in the amount of police. <br />Agree to provide all participants with Grievance Procedures. <br />o, q ree tonsure proposers employees through V'ori:ers Compensation Insurance <br />including part-time employees) <br />r� ���Procurement policies and procedures are in place and meet federal' guidelines. <br />We will not: <br />Place a youth in a position that will displace a current employee. <br />Yl <br />tI �L'ise WIA money to assist. promote. or deter union organizing. <br />funds to employ or train of persons in sectariar, acts -tries. <br />Use funds for youth in the construction, operation. or maintenance of any part of a facilit`� to be used <br />for sectarian instruction or religious worship. <br />0_' _ v(�L-se WIA funds for activities that would interfere vv,ith or replace regular academic requirements for <br />eligible N outh who are not dropouts. <br />CV =�_l Use v'lA funds to can-y out programs funded under the School-to-Vvorl< Opportunities Ac. of 1994 <br />unless the program(s) are only for youth eligible to participate under V✓lA. <br />C1 = Use 1XIA moneN under this contract to purchase am � e.quipment. <br />1 herebN assure that all of the above are true. <br />} m^-� �� Executive Director Mai IS, 2008 <br />Dr Ana Jimenez -Harm �' <br />Name <br />Title <br />Date <br />