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<br />Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />and extends above the existing sidewalk. An existing light-pink six-foot block <br />wall currently abuts the western and northern boundaries of the site. <br />As depicted on Figure 9, with implementation of the proposed project, the visual <br />character of the site would generally be improved. The existing dilapidated <br />sidewalk would be replaced with new sidewalk along the project's frontage with <br />Segerstrom Avenue. Portions of the existing pavement within San Lorenzo <br />Avenue would be replaced, generally improving the appearance of the roadway. <br />The proposed lift station building would partially obstruct existing views of the <br />motel, but the architectural characteristics associated with the proposed structure <br />(i.e., light-colored brick walls with aSpanish-style roof) would not result in a <br />substantial change to views in the project area. Finally, and as depicted on <br />Figure 9, proposed landscaping improvements would enhance the general <br />appearance of the project area. <br />In sum, improvements proposed by the project would result in a generally <br />positive change to the existing visual character and quality of the site and its <br />surroundings, and impacts would not be significant. <br />D. Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day <br />or nighttime views in the area? <br />Finding: No Impact. <br />Analysis: Construction activities for the proposed project would only occur during the <br />daylight hours, as nighttime construction activities would be prohibited by the <br />City's Noise Ordinance (Part II, Chapter 18, Article VI, Section 18-314(e) of the <br />City's Municipal Code}. Therefore, no night lighting during construction activities <br />would be required. <br />As part of the proposed project, two 32-Watt exterior lighting fixtures would be <br />insta{led on the southern and eastern faces of the proposed lift station structure. <br />The proposed 32-Watt lamps to be installed on the building would not result in <br />the substantial generation of light. In addition, the proposed lighting fixtures are <br />similar to existing street lights already located along Segerstrom Avenue. <br />Further, Segerstrom Avenue is ahigh-volume roadway, and vehicle headlights <br />already create sources of fight which far exceed that which would be produced by <br />the proposed fixtures. Additionally, architectural elements associated with the <br />proposed pump station building would not create any new sources of glare. <br />Although the roof is proposed to be constructed out of metal materials, it also <br />would be colored in a manner consistent with Spanish clay tile, which would <br />effectively preclude the generation of glare. Therefore, implementation of the <br />proposed project would not create a new source of substantial light ar glare <br />which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area; significant <br />impacts would not occur. <br />Page 31 pf 64 <br />75E-35 <br />