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Orange Cowan Youth Commission <br />Sania Ana, California <br />they begin to attend they quickly realize they must meet the 2.0 GPA criterion to become <br />a member of the boxing team. This has proven successful, thus we plan to capitalize on <br />the galvanizing properties of boxing team membership by instituting incentives for <br />increases in GPA over 2.0. To support these goals, we offer one hour tutoring prior to <br />boxing activity and we continue to serve WI_A youths, providing tutoring and mentoring <br />for those who come in later in the day. Completion of homework and receiving <br />assistance from the tutor is a precursor to being able to participate in boxing activity. . <br />Youth who demonstrate conunitment to goals and improvement in grades and other <br />measurements will be incentivized with a gift card. a Boxing Club sweatshirt, boxing <br />gloves, wraps_. and additional time in the boxing ring. Enriching activities such as trips to <br />BIL, Bear. the beach or Magic Mountain and museums are also great incentives to stay in <br />the program. Additionally, participation in community service projects provide leadership <br />training, self-confidence and personal satisfaction in knowing you are doing something <br />positive to serve the community. <br />Continuous Improvement: <br />We intend to require that our boxing club members maintain a 2.0 GPA in order to attend <br />boxing tournaments and to continue to attend after-school boxing activities. In order to <br />ensure that these youth maintain appropriate GPA and increase in literacy and numeracy <br />scores, we intend to offer one-hour tutoring service prior to boxing activity and continue <br />to serve \AiIA youths who come 'later in the day. <br />Staff will attend monthly meetings to make sure we are implementing the program <br />correctly and quickly adjusting the program to new requirements or assessment data. <br />Staff will meet regularly to evaluate program goal attainment, including recruitment and <br />goal setting and achievement. We will keep in contact with WIA staff and be monitored <br />by them during the program. Case managers will go through files regularly and students <br />will be assessed prior to the program and during the program to ensure they are making <br />progress as well as at the end of the program. <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTIO' <br />Overall Services to the WIA participant: <br />• Academic tutoring <br />• Access to computer and Internet <br />for academic support <br />• Group and individual mentoring <br />• Peer mentoring <br />• Presentations by guest speakers <br />• Character education and <br />leadership development <br />• Skill development in boxing <br />• Employment Adult Mentoring <br />• Life Skills Program <br />12 <br />• Job shadowing and work <br />internships <br />• Participation in special events <br />and boxing tournaments <br />• Transportation to off-site events <br />• Case management services <br />• Vouchers and stipends for <br />supportive needs <br />• Participation in service projects <br />