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f <br /> <br />vti7Tc~iANC,~ NS ~l$ C-F ~'c%E CITYY i:JUriGii, Ui~ THk: <br />~„;ZT3r uF' .ar~NTt`~ A~ AUTHOkILIi~TG AN t~DII~ElMi'I' T4 <br />i^rx: C;v$~tTCT bETWc~E1v THri CI'1''`s' LCI3i~iCIL .t~l~i3 1't:iL <br />DC~~ {3~' r~l~~iINISTRriTIGir]" tirr'r' THE CALIFORNIA STATE <br />~"MPLOYEES' RETIR~ENiEi+~T SYSTF2si <br />"I`iiE CITY C~INCIL OF T~3E CITY OF SA2+TT'A AbiA DC)ES ORUAIt~ AS <br />Fl')LLOG~:3 s <br />og:L:TI4I~ l: That axl aza+~nc~nen~c to the contract between the CITY <br />:OU~;C~:L a.~ the r.:IZ'Y' Or' 1JTA tsl3a and the SANS, OF .ADMINISTT~TIOIN, <br />:,r~,,LZ~':)KDi'IA STi~-TL kLfiYEES' R".,'TIRE~i:r.Zv~P SYSTEM is hereby authosis~ed, <br />a caper aL ~aaid amen3u+ezxi. ber.~ attachr~+~ here~Ca and xnark~aci "E~F3Ii3ZT A" <br />aazd mar such reference made ~2t part hereof as3 though herein set put <br />in full. <br />;~.~CTlaiv d : That xe: ;~ayor ar the City Ccauncil is~ hereby <br />authoJ:zed, empowered, and directed to execute said anxendanent far <br />and oxi behalf of staid Agency. <br />SECTI®~ 3: That this Ordinance shalt take effect 3C- days after <br />the dx:te of its adoption, and prior to the exa3iration of l5 days fr©x-r <br />the passage thereof sha2i be published at least ones: in the Register, <br />a new:zpaper oi` general circulation, published and circulated in the <br />City cif Santa Ana, and theneef4rth and thereafter the same shall be <br />in fu:L.t force and effect. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Counc~.l ~f the City of Santa Ana <br />at it~a regular meeting held on the. 3rd day of June, l~.)68. <br />ATTES'T' z <br />cLERx ©F THE Cocr~clL <br />STATE OF CALIP'ORP3IA) <br />CQUN'T"~' OF 01~.~NGE ) SS <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA. <br />rdAYaR <br />I, DORIS A~. SRC)WN, do hereby certify that I anx the Clerk of the <br />Caunc.i.l of the City of Santa Anas that the foregoing Ordinance was <br />intro~;~uced at a regular nesting of the Cite Council of said City held <br />on the 2CJth day ©f A~tay, 4r~6S, and was again considered by s~atc <br />Gc~unc.'..l at its rc.eeting he id an the 3rd day oaf ~'une, 166, <br />and a•t said meeting was passed and adopted by the f©llowing vote, to <br />wit s <br />A'.~ES, COtR~CILM3~~7 Ba ,.. Cz.r ~~,_:y;, G~~i~.t, '~~~r;~~~~~ <br />NOES, COL'NCIL~2EI4: i a°Y-~~ :, ~M .._ I~c.t~zi....,.. _. <br />?~BSEN'~, COUNCILMEN s 7~;-~r: <br />CLERK OF THE COUNCIL <br />~~,/ <br />.:`' <br />~- <br />~.. ~~G..... <br />~`G <br />~~ ~~~~ <br />