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City Place Slcy Lofts Final Environmental hnpact Report Findengs <br />CERTIFICATION OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />REPORT, FINDINGS AND APPROVALS FOR THE <br />CITY PLACE SKY LOFTS PROJECT <br />1.0 CERTIFICATION OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />REPORT <br />Pursuant to California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 14, Section 15090, the City of Santa Ana hereby <br />certifies the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR, State Clearinghouse No. 2007041088) for the City <br />Place Slcy Lofts project. The Final EIR was completed in compliance with the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code Section 21000, et seq and the State CEQA Guidelines, <br />CCR, Title l4, Section 15000, et seq. The City certifies that it has been presented with the Final EIR and <br />that it has reviewed and considered the information in the Final EIR prior to approving the City Place Sky <br />Lofts project, as set forth herein. The City further certifies that the Final EIR reflects the independent <br />judgment and analysis of the City of Santa Ana. The Final EIR consists of the November 5, 2007 <br />Draft EIR, the March 10, 2008 Responses to Comments Report (RTC) and the project Mitigation <br />Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). <br />2.0 FINDINGS <br />Having received, reviewed and considered the information in the record before it, including the Final EIR, <br />which is hereby incorporated by reference, the following Findings are hereby adopted by the City as <br />required by CEQA (specifically, CCR, Title 14, Sections 15091 through 15093) in conjunction with the <br />approval of the project, which is set forth below. <br />The City is the Lead Agency for the envirommental documentation for the project evaluated in the <br />Final EIR. Based on the substantial evidence in the record before it, the City finds that the Draft and <br />Final E[Rs were prepared in compliance with CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines. The City finds that the <br />Draft EIR was prepared by consultants retained by the City and by City staff, subject to independent <br />review and judgment of the City. The City finds that it has independently reviewed and analyzed the <br />Draft EIR and the Final EIR for the City Place Sky Lofts project, that the Draft EIR which was circulated <br />for public review reflected its independent judgment, and that the Final EIR reflects the independent <br />judgment of the City. <br />The City has based its actions on full appraisal of all viewpoints, including all comments received up to <br />the date of the adoption of these Findings, concerning the potential environmental impacts identified and <br />analyzed in the Final EIR. <br />In addition, the City has reviewed and considered the MMRP, which is contained in the Final EIR and <br />which describes the process to ensure implementation of the mitigation measures that have been <br />incorporated in the approved project to reduce or avoid significant adverse impacts of the project on the <br />environment. This MMRP will ensure CEQA compliance during project implementation. <br />F: IPROJ-ENG"CCity Place SkyLoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page l <br />Januarv 23, 2009 <br />75A-111 <br />