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City Place Sky Lofts Final Environmental Impact Report <br />other discretionary actions necessary for its implementation. This EIR is intended to serve as a project EIR <br />for the City Place Sky Lofts site plan approval and other related implementation actions. <br />To implement the project, the City and/or other public agencies must consider various actions, permits, <br />and approvals. The following City of Santa Ana approvals are anticipated to be required for the proposed <br />project: <br />• Amendment to Specific Development Plan 59 (SD-59) to modify the adopted SD-59 and <br />establish permitted land uses, site development standards, and parking requirements for the <br />proposed project. <br />• Tentative Tract Map for condominium purposes. <br />• Development Agreement. <br />• Conditional Use Permit. <br />In addition, the following approvals of agencies outside the City are anticipated for the proposed project: <br />• Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) review of Proposed Construction or Alteration (FAA <br />form 7460-1). <br />3.2 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT <br />3.2.1 INITIAL STUDY AND NOTICE OF PREPARATION <br />The City of Santa Ana distributed the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and an Initial Study (IS) for the proposed <br />City Place Sky Lofts project on April 23, 2007, for the required 30-day review period. The NOP was <br />distributed to the State Clearinghouse Office of Planning and Research, public agencies, service providers, <br />and neighborhood associations in the vicinity of the project site. A copy of the NOP is provided in <br />Appendix A of the Draft EIR. The distribution list for the NOP is provided in Appendix B of the Draft EIR. <br />The City of Santa Ana received eight written comments to the NOP. Copies of these comment letters are <br />provided in Appendix C of the Draft EIR. <br />3.2.2 SLOPING MEETING <br />The City of Santa Ana conducted a public scoping meeting for the City Place Sky Lofts project on <br />May 16, 2007. The meeting was held at 6:00 P.Nt., at the Santiago Park Lawn Bowling Clubhouse. The <br />notice of the scoping meeting was included in the project NOP. Seven individuals attended the scoping <br />meeting. One of the attendees submitted a comment card indicating the desire to be kept informed of <br />future actions/activities concerning the City Place Sky Lofts project. This card is included in Appendix C <br />of the Draft EIR. <br />Based on the Findings of the IS and public input provided in response to the NOP, the Draft EIR <br />evaluated the following environmental issues: aesthetics; air quality; cultural resources; geology and <br />soils; hazards and hazardous materials; hydrology and water quality; land use and planning; noise; <br />population and housing; public services; recreation; transportation and traffic; and utilities and service <br />systems. <br />~IPROJ-BNVICityPlaceSkyLoftslFinal8lRlFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 3 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-113 <br />