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Place Sky Lofts Final Environmental Impact Report <br /> Level of Significance of Impacts Related to Construction Emissions <br />The adverse impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project related to short-term air quality emissions will be <br />mitigated to below a level of significance with implementation of the mitigation measures provided AQ-1 <br />through AQ-5. <br />4.2.3 CULTURAL RESOURCES IMPACTS <br /> Potentially Significant Adverse Impacts Related to Cultural Resources <br />As discussed in Section 4.4 (Cultural Resources) of the EIR, there is potential that construction of the <br />City Place Sky Lofts project could have a significant adverse impact on any unknown cultural resources <br />which might exist on the project site. <br /> Finding Related to Cultural Resources <br />Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially <br />lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. <br /> Facts in Support of the Finding Related to Cultural Resources <br />Implementation of mitigation measures C-1 and C-2, provided below, will substantially lessen the adverse <br />impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project related to cultural resources during construction, and will <br />reduce this potentiaLLy significant adverse impact to below a level of significance. <br />C-1 If buried cultural material is encountered during project construction, the construction <br />contractor shall immediately stop work within the immediate vicinity of the finding and the <br />City's Environmental Coordinator shall be contacted for appropriate action. <br />C-2 If human remains are encountered during construction activities, work shall cease and the <br />Orange County Coroner's Office and the Native American Heritage Commission shall be <br />notified. A course of action will be agreed upon regarding the treatment of said remains <br />with the Orange County Coroner's Office or in compliance with the Native American <br />Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and the Native American Heritage <br />Commission if the remains are determined to be of Native American origin. This process <br />can involve, but is not limited to, re-interment of said remains on- or off-site, donation to <br />museums or schools for the promotion of archaeological body of record, or other <br />arrangements as ageed upon by the consultation process with the Native American <br />descendents or their representative. <br /> Level of S ignificance of Impacts Related to Cultural Resources <br />The adverse impacts of the City Place project related to cultural resources during construction will be <br />mitigated to below a level of significance with implementation of mitigation measures C-1 and C-2. <br />F:',PROJ-EN~1City Place Sky LoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 13 <br />Janz~ary 23, 2009 <br />75A-123 <br />