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is granted an extension as set forth in section 4.3(2) of this First Amendment. For purposes of <br />this Section 5, "Commence Construction" means those actions (i. e., valid building permit issued <br />by City and substantial, hard construction costs expended in good faith reliance thereon) that <br />would create a vested right in Owner pursuant to Avco Community Developers, Inc. v. South <br />Coast Reg'l Comm'n, 17 Cal. 3rd 785, 791 (1976), and its progeny. <br />Facilities to Be Constructed Trig erin Event <br />1. Submit Final Design of Public Art. One year from the commencement of the Extended <br />Final design must conform to Public Art Term, if applicable. <br />Locational Plan. <br />2. Install Public Art. Prior to the City's issuance of Certificate of Use <br />and Occupancy for any portion of the Slcy Lofts <br />Project, or two and one-half (2 1/2) years from the <br />commencement of the Extended Term, whichever <br />comes first. <br />With respect to the Final Design, Owner shall complete all construction and development, shall <br />submit all plans, drawings, and other documents, and perform all of its obligations under this <br />First Amendment within the times specified above. During periods of construction of the work <br />of public art encompassed in the Public Art Locational Plan, Owner shall submit to the City a <br />written report of the progress of the construction when and as reasonably requested by the City. <br />The report shall be in such form and detail as maybe reasonably required by the City, and shall <br />include a reasonable number of construction photographs (if requested) taken from the last report <br />by Owner. Development scheduling or date or times of performance maybe subject to revision <br />from time to time if first mutually agreed to in writing. Such revisions do not constitute <br />amendments requiring further notice and public hearing. <br />5.2.2 Responsibility For Costs of Work Of Public Art. The City and Owner <br />agree that Owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the design, construction, <br />maintenance and repair of the work of public art provided for in the Public Art Locational Plan. <br />5.3 Remaining Offsite Mitigation Measures. The parties acknowledge and <br />agree that the sole remaining offsite mitigation measures which must be funded or constructed by <br />Owner are as set forth in Exhibit D to this First Amendment. <br />5.4 Inclusionary Housing Fee. Owner shall pay to the City the sum of <br />$3,000.00 per residential unit as a condition of issuance of each building permit which includes <br />one or more residential units, or $1,059,000.00 for all residential units upon the issuance of the <br />initial building permit, whichever is greater. This fee shall be used by the City to build new or <br />substantially rehabilitate existing affordable housing in the City. <br />5.5 In-Lieu Park Fee. The Owner shall pay a fee of $7,841.00 per unit in lieu <br />of its obligation established by section 34-204 et seq. of the Santa Ana Municipal Code; <br />75A-192 <br />