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FULL PACKET_2009-03-16
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2009-03-16
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1/3/2012 4:22:11 PM
Creation date
3/13/2009 4:08:13 PM
City Clerk
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EIR No. 2007-02; ZOA No. 2008-04; <br />DA No. 2004-04; CUP No. 2008-34; <br />VTTM No. 2008-04; and SPR No. 2008-05 <br />January 12, 2009 <br />Page 6 <br />acceptable Level of Service (LOS) with or without the proposed project. <br />Daily volumes projected for 2030 were generally forecasted to be lower <br />than the daily traffic volumes in 2010 because the build out of the MPAH <br />would provide additional road capacity on the parallel north-south <br />arterial highways such as Bristol Street to the west and Grand Avenue to <br />the east. The additional road capacities on these arterial highways <br />would alleviate traffic demand on Main Street by shifting some of the <br />traffic demand on Bristol Street and Grand Avenue. Therefore, <br />implementation of the proposed tower would create a temporary <br />significant and unavoidable adverse impact to Main Street between La <br />Veta Avenue and Town and Country Road until Bristol Street and Grand <br />Avenue are built out to the MPAH designations. <br />The environmental impact report has identified a significant and <br />unavoidable impact to aesthetics, air quality and traffic. No feasible <br />mitigation measures are available to reduce the effect. As a result of <br />the impacts that cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level, <br />adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations is required prior to <br />approving the project. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is the <br />process through which decision makers balance the economic, legal, social, <br />and technological or other benefits of the proposed project against its <br />unavoidable environmental impacts. <br />Zoning Ordinance Amendment <br />The specific development district is a customized zoning classification <br />used for unique and/or mixed-use projects. In 1993, a specific <br />development zone (SD-59) was approved on the site to accommodate an <br />extremely intense mixed-use project. The entitlement included a 22 and <br />32-story office tower, 19-story residential tower (216 units), hotel, <br />parking structure, restaurants, health club, retail space, cinemas and <br />live theater and attached residences (64 units). The total project <br />gross square footage was 1,964,770 with parking to accommodate 5,464 <br />vehicles. <br />In 2004, the specific development plan was amended to allow the current <br />development of City Place incorporating the intent of the previous <br />entitled project. The specific development text lays out criteria for <br />the review of the current construction project. <br />75A-8 <br />
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