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FULL PACKET_2009-03-16
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2009-03-16
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1/3/2012 4:22:11 PM
Creation date
3/13/2009 4:08:13 PM
City Clerk
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EIR No. 2007-02; ZOA No. 2008-04; <br />DA No. 2004-04; CUP No. 2008-34; <br />VTTM No. 2008-04; and SPR No. 2008-05 <br />January 12, 2009 <br />Page 9 <br />proposed residential condominium tower on Lot 1 within the SD-59 zoning <br />district. The residential tower component is envisioned to create an <br />urban element and focal point within this mixed-use environment. The <br />overall plan for City Place encourages a variety of residential living <br />opportunities linking the components and accentuating the District <br />Center urban character. The residential tower units have been designed <br />in a manner that is harmonious in scale and character with existing <br />development adjacent to City Place, contributes positively to the <br />surrounding commercial and residential areas, provides a development in <br />keeping with the standards for high-rise residential towers. <br />The high=rise tower will provide 333 units, while 20 stacked townhomes <br />will line the southern side of the parking structure. The tower will <br />position its entry at the western corner of Jeanette Lane accented by <br />two water fountains. The townhouse units will front directly onto <br />Jeanette Lane extending from the tower lobby eastward to Lawson Way. <br />Each unit within the tower will be approximately 804 to 1,999 square <br />feet in size and will range in studio, one, two and three bedroom units. <br />The townhouses have been designed as either a loft style or more <br />traditional townhome, two stories in height. These units will be 1,494 <br />square feet in size and offers two bedroom and two and one-half baths. <br />Open space has been provided in a variety of ways including common and <br />private areas. All units, both within the tower and townhouses will <br />provide open space in the form of private decks or balconies for the <br />sole use of that unit. The average area size of the private space is <br />approximately 100 square feet. Additionally, on the podium deck, common <br />open space has been provided. This area contains both open and enclosed <br />open space. A pool, spa, fireplace, seat walls, tables, chairs and <br />chaise lounges will be provided throughout the open deck. In addition, <br />enhanced paving will be provided on the amenity deck as well as <br />landscaping located within plant containers. The outdoor space is <br />approximately 35,169 square feet in area. Indoors, on the same level, a <br />1,032 square foot media room, 1,222 square foot common dining room and <br />1,503 square foot gym will be accommodated. All of these accommodations <br />will be available for the use by all residents. <br />Private storage space will be provided for each unit. The Sky Lofts <br />Tower will have one storage space per unit within the parking garage <br />that is a minimum of 40 square feet in size. <br />75A-11 <br />
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