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Amendment to Agreement With <br />Clear Channel Outdoor Inc. <br />May 4, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />with a payment reduction in the last year of the existing agreement to <br />$504,000. With the extension the City will also receive payments at <br />this level for the three years covered by the extension. <br />The alternative to the extension is to end the agreement next June and <br />to seek competitive proposals. However, in the current economic <br />climate, the City can expect to receive substantially reduced payments <br />and may be faced with no bidders or Clear Channel as the only bidder. <br />In 2000 the City sought competitive proposals and only two companies <br />responded. The second company that presented a proposal is now out of <br />business. <br />Staff has contacted other cities and the proposal made to Santa Ana <br />will result in higher per-shelter payments than those paid to other <br />cities. Santa Ana has one of the largest bus shelter and bus bench <br />inventories in the County and public transportation remains an <br />important aspect of the community. Based on current circumstances, <br />staff is recommending an amendment to the agreement with Clear Channel <br />Outdoor Inc., extending the agreement for an additional three years. <br />ENVIRONMTNTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />With approval of the amendment the City will receive $504,000 in FY <br />2009-10 through FY 2012-13 in the general fund (account no. 11-01- <br />5927). <br />APPROVED AS TO FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS: <br />J es G. Ross Francisco Gutierrez <br />ecutive Director Executive Director <br />l~' <br />ublic Works Agency Finance & Mgmt. Services Agencylu <br />25B-2 <br />