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tNSTRUCTIU~4S FUR THE 5F-d2~ <br />y td;c. reporting burden fcr this a:+;ec:.ion of infcx r7ation is estimakac tr wJerage dQ m notes p~rr rESpcnse. inclutling t me fo• revieti~• r g ^s:ruc;ians, s : rch ^+a <br />existin datw sources. gat^~~ing and main:wining the data ne.-bed, anc corhp~ting and rev._vring tre aallectlcn or in#ormat~~«^, send ;~ r^in-~ents reaaroing t^- <br />t• rz#en es:ir!a:e or a^y ot^.r aspect of this a:~ Iev.ion Hof infcrna:ion ie~:luding suggestions fcr reducing :his .,r~.en, t_ :hE ~L-'ice of il4anagement anc 6ud,y-:. <br />-';Grr~x~~crk P,~.~ccicn Pr;,jec: fU34fi-CC~3), 4Va hingtan GC ~CcC3. <br />PLEASE DU NUT RETURN YCYUR CUA~tPLETED FURAi TU THE OFFICE OF M11ANFGER1ENT AND B4JDGET. SEND IT TG THE A~?DRESS PRG'JIGEJ <br />BY THE SPONSORIPIG AGENCY. <br />-L•:s is a s:a~dart's Eo:~ I,i=cict3i31g ttlE t0~t3L7':1'st1aL' hee[;1 (EaIL'C?d iu: ;1:e as :~ Cc': ES :heel far sub~sias_ou of prEappl_cat:ous a aFp:.anec::,~d <br />rEial2~ Illfil~l~Il•^. L' iiL'~ES ~1.'SC:E^.a73I}' p:C7 _°CiLt]s. ~C~L:2 8f :tYE 1:EIY15 '.Ce ZE~l'~TE{i. ~L'd .apsE ctE aL•tlaT 3~ 3: tLE d:SCTEA+73141 L7E :tpCl'_C 11t OC Ltlt FE ~E: ;11 <br />•~'ceL' :.. t;a°eC1C,'j. R?q:l~Cad iC2115 37E 7dEL'L1^Ee3 sr1Ih aL' :sSCEr:S)i aL' :1E fOCl:l alid .1:2 SpECiSEd IZ' :he t:1~;F1..,,.rl.,~n y h~! a'.1'..1 .l~.'~1J:`-' :0 CLE 35CI11:~t:OllS <br />DrOs7d?d Lea IC1,'. aj:~p'!l:an.C'i 331tli[i.G115tt1:.+?EL'C`~ 3`1"I,:CT1aIl: :0 .`~.E1?I?=L12 i}7E:_LC ?2t7'ikL E311?:3'S <br />Lar: Entr,+: tent Entr°: <br /> Type of Submission: (Requ~•ec;l: SelECt anE type of st+miss.~ in 11. Warne Gf Federal Agency: !Raquirecl; Ent-rLhe ^aria o':he <br /> a ccerdance ~rri.h a+,_ncy ^s:ructions. =Ederal :bgency fR~:tir: sti•^ ~:h .,ssistance s being ~aquesfee ti*r1h <br /> '~r5a,~ pilad:icn :i1i5 app6catian. <br /> App ica:icn <br /> Changed;Correc:ed,~,pplicat:^ - if requested by the a3Ency, chec~ 11. Catalog Cff FedArat DomESti4 Assistance NumberiTitle. <br /> =:hissublrissicn sicc~^ar~gEC~raorrecta:•rev~~..slysubmitted =n:er:herv_tocc'=eclera G~_r. ast:~s3istarr_erar:.Era~~ <br /> apr ca:ian..tnless requestE~, by :he agency. a:~^Ilcar:ts may not :,ue of .Fe : ~_ ~rwlr un~:_• whic^ ass a.anca is re:•es:ecl. as <br /> use this :o submit changes ai'ter:he closing datE. found in the cragram w^^;7tmcr:e:., i' a.~c cab =. <br /> Type of Application: t;P,ecuirecfl SElect one type ~1f : pplicaticr in 12. Funding 4p•portunity NumbErJTitte: ;?Eq ad:l .^icr tr- <br /> accordance •rrl h agency :s:roc:ions. =unding Uppcruni:y PJ,.n7bEr and t :le a(t . cppc~^.uni:y unde• <br /> i•~:e«~ - ~~n .,c~plica:lcn t^~,t is being s..frii;tN. o a,r agE^ _y `tr :he tvhi r assistaa^:E is r?eu_3:ed, as sound in :I7e c+rc+gran°~ <br /> =irs::in•~e. ann,~s nye'rtiEn:. <br /> C:.ntr:;wtc~^ -r'.n exten=_ontaran acditc~+alsunding~"butlgE:,c«:riod 13. Gontpetetion identification Numberri'itle. =°tErt^_ <br /> gar a pre;_~a svitlt a projected a:~rtp Eiicn date. "M , ca,•r include Gorr -Brian Iden:ificatian Plu.niber and tide c.f 1hE a :p _:iticm <br /> rere.•+ais. unde° +,vhic^ as. stance is req:;as:Eil, i' ap cab a. <br /> evsicn r,ny c^ange.n :he Fedelas ticvernment's f,~?an:a <br /> cb `gaticr ar cal^tingEr*, iabilit~ from an E>:is:ing obligation f a <br /> re'vis~?n <br />M1,1ore tr~.n cn_ rray be <br />enter the apprapria a ei-En;=_;I <br /> , <br />. <br />s_lected. It _:her' is selectE.. W lease specrj rn text to ,.rav ~ed. 1~. Areas Affected By Project: List th- areas ~1r E^:itie=_ using <br /> A Ino'reas_ Fward 3. G_+.rease.Avran. :he categories (E.g., cities.:a..rties, sta:E= etc.i scec clod in. <br /> C Increase Curvet+~n D. L'~ecrease Curator age^cy nstra ;:ions. Use :he cos^:in:.lation sra_t to En =r <br /> E. Cher is eCi, add.:ianal areas, if nEEu'~;. <br />~. Date Received: ~Eave t'?is fE-+~ bla^x. This elate wril! be assigned by t~^e 1v. t}escriptive Title of Applioant's Project ;REC.,.•ed =^ter:: <br /> Fedora age^: f. brief cescriptivE tale ~f t^e pre w:, f apprc ,:,te, atsc^ a <br /> map shc~rring pr.ject iot:ation fe.g., .;cnst-~ aicm c- rEa <br />4. Apptiaant Identifier. Ert_r the entity iden:ifa-~ asa~~^ed t•y ihE Federal prcc _~tt pr.:jECts). Fcr preac:~ cations, a:-act. a s<:rimar~ <br /> agency.. it ar y c' appfcan:'s a:w-trcl nurr:iaer, if api;~ cab _. desc^ Laic ^ a° .he c•.•oiec:. <br />F~a Federal Entity Identiirer: =nier the ^.r:n76Er assig;red:a your 1d. Gongressianat Districts l?f: iRequirEd; 18a =n:Er the <br /> organizatic,r by :he Fed~•al Age:-,:.•y, if an•y. app cant's Car~gressi~:~_;! t~,is;riot ar,; 1? ,. =nte• a. C ~.•,ct(s, <br />`.~;,. Federal Award 1d~entifier:.=ar rerr applicatcc^s leave bla^;,;, '=or a artect_d by :Ito program cr pr;EC:. Enter in t^e ~onr~,t C <br /> ccn:inuatian :+r ray+islan o an Exi=tiny wtvwrcl, En;Er ihE pre'dtOllSy Ct4araCterS =:a e.''~.bbrE4'a11C^ - :~ CltafaCt i DISt': t'~UI'^CEr, <br /> assigned Fa~erai ;~rrard iden:ifer number f a cha^ged~correcte: e en.. ~`,4-~'-`-• •~ va;i°ornia 51i clstr[ CAS:' ~ `or Ca fom;a 1^_`' <br /> appli wucn, _^ter t^E :Federal Iconic ter in aca:~rJaI1CE 5~'rt^ age°•.a dist•=a, h!G-102 f=.•;`uort^ C.aralina's '~: ~"' . style:. <br /> nstnrcticns. I' a congress ~:~^a! disc cts in ., state 3•e a?fac:Ell, En:Er <br />5. Date Received try Stale: LEwve :his f Eld •c~ ark. ?his dare ~v~ be 'all' fcr t^a alsirct number. E.g , fA=~-~It f:a• all <br /> sssitned b••tr,e C:a:e, Ito IlCable. :''r~sfE551anal tIIStTtatS intviarr'wnd. <br />r. State Application Identifier: Lea•.+e :his field blank. -h s denttier .r I` ~:,aticn•rridE .E. aI tlistncts •rx:hin a:= states a-a ale:tae, <br /> t•e assgned ty tie :;-ate, if applicable. Enter',;:~-al! <br /> Is :he pragramrc•^a <br />ec: s utside th_ L'~ <br />Enter C=-:~2;i <br />{. App#icant Information =rter t^E f;yllavy~ing r accc•cancE wth agency , <br />, <br />. <br /> r~s:rum lens: <br /> <br /> a. Le•gaI Nance. (RequirE+.;: EntEr the egal ea,rne of ap.• cant chat will 1?. Proposed Project Start and End Dates:. P.E•SUire I Grua=:i,:- <br /> ndErtakE t^ _ ass stone= act •,+ity. This is the nari that t'ra cry a^¢ation pre:c«,sEd star. date and eni cai~ of thY ;. , ~•c:. <br /> ^as registerec wit•! the i:Entral ~cntractcr Registry Iniorn•~wpa^• on <br /> •epis:erin vv :h CuR mw" be c+btwined tr v.siti ;t7e Grants ^rcv websitE <br /> b Employen`Taxpayer Nurnbgr (EINtTIN): (Required; ~°+iartha <br /> =rip .:+yer or Taxpayer den:iflcat~an Rurnber ?,Elh ~ TID:) as assigned br 12. Estimated Funding: iRequir~;~ =nor the alraunt requastEw <br /> :he In:ema ReVF ,.;; ;3Er.+icE. If pour ~.x•aanizaticn is nc: n the S, e:^ter ar t~y bE ;atributEd during the F~•sa #unding:budge; .•eriocl uy <br /> 4-f-14r.4~ =4. Each con;ribu*.ar. 'dalu=_ a' in-kind cEa^.:ribu:cans should be <br /> c. prganizational DUNS: {?equired; En:erthe argarrizat:+n's CUI":5 ~-~r indutlEd an apprapria:E nES. 3s applicablE Ft^_ act •^ ,*rill <br /> D'~'N'_=+; rurLbE<r re~~EivEd from.. Cun and 3rads:ree:. In=orr:_,:ion on result in a v~Ilar changE bo an exis`.ing a:yara. ndl:-ate or,1 j the <br /> sbtar ^g a CUM1S;~,ursber maybe abtained'cyvsitng :he Grants gav amount c':IAe char,gE. Fcrde:reases, enc:sE t^_ amounts +n <br /> •rrebsit-. parr^:hexes. <br /> d. AddrESS: Enter :he c,:,rnplE:E address as fvlt~:~5: Gtreet add :ss ;'_rre <br /> <br /> rec ~edt, Clt? ;?equ - I Ca~unty, S:ate (Required f coon ry I_ JSI, <br />t ty. is Application Subject to Review by State Under ExECUte•~e <br /> - rav _e <br />~aun.ry t;P,rqulred;. %iplFas:al C:x:e (IF:egwr_~3. if ,.~.. trt -~ Urder 12372 Procass? r:pp cants s;~-oultl ~cn:ac: the '~.tate <br /> `I'~' 3in <br />= <br />c f Ccn:act t <br />I <br />P+ is ar F er~i > <br />c <br />t <br />o <br />d <br /> <br />e.OrganizatianalUnit_ En:Er:henarr<ECf:IYEprirrwryargan~ational g <br />u <br />.: <br />o <br />_ <br />u <br />e <br />r <br />er <br />123?~.ow_:emtiine~~•^_:he•t^ea.,.fi,a:icn = ., :h? <br /> snit land de arm~ent ar civisicn i' a~~;~licat~e :hat will urcenv*:e the ' <br />19E-21 <br />