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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />III. Air Quality <br />A. Conflict with or obstruct implementation of applicable Air Quality Attainment Plan or <br />congestion Management Plan? <br />No Impact <br />The City of Santa Ana is included within the South Coast Air Quality Management District and subject to <br />the requirements of the Clean Air Act at both the Federal and State level. The South Coast Air Quality <br />Management Plan (AQMP) is the primary planning document to monitor if air quality standards and <br />objectives are being achieved in the South Coast Air Basin. The air quality objectives in the AQMP are <br />based upon population and growth projections provided in the General Plan. A project could be in conflict <br />with the AQMP if it results in population and growth impacts beyond those identified in the City's General <br />Plan. The proposed project would not impact the population or growth projections in the General Plan as <br />the project is a medical office building. Therefore, approval of the proposed zoning ordinance <br />amendment would not be in conflict with the South Coast AQMP. <br />B. Violate any stationary source air quality standard or contribute to an existing or proposed <br />air quality violation? <br />C. Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the <br />project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality <br />standard (including releasing emission which exceeds quantitative thresholds for ozone <br />precursors)? <br />D. Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? <br />E. Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? <br />Less than significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated <br />As mentioned previously, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) regulates air <br />quality in the South Coast Air Basin. The South Coast Air Basin is currently anon-attainment area for <br />carbon monoxide, ozone, and particulate matter. The SCAQMD considers an air quality impact to be <br />significant if it exceeds the thresholds identified below. <br />EMISSION THRESHOLDS OF SIGNIFICANCE <br /> Project <br />Pollutant Construction Tons/ Operations <br /> Pounds/Day Quarter Pounds/Day <br />Reactive Organic <br />Com ounds ROG 75 2.5 55 <br />Nitro en Oxides NOx 100 2.5 55 <br />Carbon Monoxide CO 550 24.75 550 <br />Respirable 10-micron dia. <br />articulate Matter PM10 150 6.75 150 <br />Fine 2.5-micron diameter 55 55 <br />articulate matter <br />Oxides of Sulfur Sox 150 150 <br />75A-38 <br />