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b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings <br />and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? (No Substantial Change from Previous <br />Analysis) <br />A complete evaluation of the aesthetics effects of the project was considered in the EIR. There <br />are no scenic resources, thus the project will have no impact regarding scenic resources. <br />c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? <br />(No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />As depicted in the EIR, parking areas and pedestrian walkways will contain attractive <br />landscaping treatments to enhance the open space areas. Trees and shrubbery will be used <br />around the perimeter of the hotel, providing a softening of visual impacts at street level. Palm <br />trees, Jacaranda and Pine trees will be planted along the perimeter of the hotel with palm trees <br />planted at the front of the hotel. A number of trellises will be incorporated into the hotel along <br />the south, east and west sides. The trellises will include landscaping with vines or floral vines <br />for decorative purposes. The Jacaranda and Pine trees will serve as a buffer for the hotel along <br />MacArthur Boulevard and along the east and west sides of the hotel. An updated landscape <br />plan is included as Exhibit 10. The project incorporates landscaping around the hotel and <br />adjacent to the Cinema Tower location. <br />The proposed four-story hotel is compatible with the adjacent land uses. The North and South <br />Lake Towers are 25 stories tall, the office buildings range in height from the 8 story buildings <br />at 200 and 201 East Sandpointe Avenue to a 14 story building at 5 Hutton Centre Drive. There <br />is also asix-story Doubletree Hotel south of the Lake Towers. The proposed addition of the <br />hotel and deletion of the Cinema Lofts and retail/commercial square footage does change the <br />visual character of the site beyond what was analyzed in the EIR. However, no significant <br />changes to the existing visual character of the site will result from the project beyond those <br />identified in the EIR because the proposed four-story hotel is consistent with the surrounding <br />land uses. <br />d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare that would adversely affect day or nighttime <br />views in the area? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />The exterior of the hotel will predominantly be covered by a stucco finish. Due to the <br />developed nature of the project site and the existence of a hotel just north of MacArthur <br />Boulevard, the proposed hotel is compatible with existing uses and is not expected to <br />substantially increase light or glare. The following Mitigation Measure is proposed to reduce <br />any potential impacts from light and glare: <br />Mitigation Measure AE-1- Prior to issuance of building permits the project applicant <br />shall ensure that building plans for the proposed project shall include the use of non- <br />reflective building materials to minimize light and glare impacts. <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measure AE-1 will reduce light and glare and will ensure that <br />development of the project will have no more severe impacts beyond those addressed and <br />mitigated in the EIR. <br />MacArthur Place South D ~^ <br />EIR Addendum a ( 26 <br />75B-64 <br />