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from the analysis provided in the EIR. Therefore, the EIR remains adequate and complete for this <br />topic. <br />h) Would the project place within a 100 year flood hazard area structures that would impede or redirect <br />flood flows? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />The EIR identified impacts related to flood hazards that would result from project implementation. The <br />project is not located in a 100-year flood hazard area. No changes have occurred in this area from the <br />analysis provided in the EIR. Therefore, the EIR remains adequate and complete for this topic. <br />i) Would the project expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving <br />flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? (No Substantial Change from <br />Previous Analysis) <br />The EIR identified impacts related to flooding that would result from project implementation. The <br />project is not located in the vicinity of a levee or a dam. No changes have occurred in this area from the <br />analysis provided in the EIR. Therefore, the EIR remains adequate and complete for this topic. <br />j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami or mudflow? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />The EIR identified impacts related to inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow that would result from <br />project implementation. No changes have occurred in this area from the analysis provided in the EIR. <br />Therefore, the EIR remains adequate and complete for this topic. <br />VI. Land Use and Planning <br />Would the project: <br />a) Physically divide an established community? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />The project site is comprised of an office park and as a result, no established community exists. Thus, <br />the project will not physically divide an established community. Therefore, the EIR remains adequate <br />and complete for this topic. <br />b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the <br />project (including, but not limited to, the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning <br />ordinance adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? (No Substantial <br />Change from Previous Analysis) <br />The City's General Plan land use designation for the project site is District Center (DC), which <br />specifically allows mixed-use development. Hotels are a permitted use in the DC designation. As <br />detailed in the EIR, the project site underwent a zone change from General Commercial (C2) to the <br />Specific Development (SD) zone. The project, as proposed, will have no new or more severe impacts <br />beyond those addressed in the EIR. Therefore, the EIR remains adequate and complete. <br />c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? (No <br />Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />No habitat conservation or natural community conservation plan is applicable to the proposed project. <br />The project will have no new or more severe impacts beyond those addressed in the EIR. Therefore, <br />the EIR remains adequate and complete with respect to this topic. <br />MacArthur Place South ~ ~~~~ <br />EIR Addendum o <br />40 <br />75B-75 <br />i <br />