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have no new or more severe impacts to fire, police, and emergency services beyond those addressed <br />and mitigated in the EIR. Therefore, the EIR remains adequate and complete with respect to this topic. <br />X. Recreation <br />The EIR provides for the payment of Park Acquisition and Development Fees, parkland dedication or in-lieu <br />fee payments to reduce impacts to recreation facilities. <br />a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks of other recreational <br />facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? (No <br />Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />An evaluation of the impacts to recreation related to the project was presented in the EIR. As noted in <br />the EIR, the proposed project will include on-site recreation amenities for residents of the <br />condominiums. The proposed project reduces the number of residential units by 15. Additionally, the <br />proposed project removes the Cinema Lofts analyzed in the EIR. The recreational amenities in the <br />Cinema Lofts included an open-air amenity deck, a pool and outdoor area, a health spa, and a gym. <br />Recreational amenities such as these will be provided in the Cinema Tower. The proposed hotel <br />includes an activity lawn and apool/spa. The project will have no new or more severe impacts beyond <br />those addressed in the EIR. Therefore, the EIR remains complete and adequate as it relates to this <br />topic. <br />b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational <br />facilities that might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? (No Substantial Change from <br />Previous Analysis) <br />As part of the proposed project, the hotel includes apool/spa and an activity lawn and, as mentioned <br />above, recreational amenities will be provided in the Cinema Tower. The project will have no new or <br />more severe impacts beyond those addressed in the EIR. Therefore, the EIR remains complete and <br />adequate as it relates to this topic. <br />XI. Transportation/Traffic <br />A Traffic Study was prepared by Urban Crossroads in October 2003 and revised in October 2004 for the <br />MacArthur Place South project. The EIR included analysis based on that study. Urban Crossroads has <br />prepared a Trip Generation Evaluation (Traffic Evaluation) dated April 1, 2009 for this Addendum analyzing <br />traffic impacts resulting from the elimination of identified project components and the addition of a hotel <br />component. The following traffic analysis is based on the 2009 Traffic Evaluation, which is included herein <br />as Appendix A. <br />The Traffic Evaluation incorporated trip generation rates from the recently published Institute of <br />Transportation Engineer's (ITE) information report entitled "Trip Generation" (8"' Edition, 2008). The <br />2003/2004 Traffic Study incorporated trip generation rates from the 7`" Edition ITE Trip Generation Rates. <br />The 2009 Traffic Evaluation notes that the only categories with rate changes are ITE code 850 (AM and PM <br />peak hour) and ITE code 932 (PM peak hour). These rates are applied to supermarket and high turnover <br />(restaurant) uses. The table below, Trip Generation Rates, identifies the rates used to calculate traffic <br />generation for the proposed project. <br />MacArthur Place South ~ ~~~~ <br />EIR Addendum o <br />44 <br />75B-79 <br />