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remains complete and adequate in regards to analysis of exceeding, either individually or cumulatively, <br />levels of service established by the county congestion management agency. <br />c) Result in a change in air traj~c patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in <br />location that results in substantial safety risks? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />No change in air traffic patterns will occur as a result of the proposed project. Therefore, the EIR <br />remains complete and adequate as it relates to this topic. <br />d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) <br />or incompatible uses (e.g. farm equipment)? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />The analysis in the EIR considered traffic impacts on the existing streets within the project site and in <br />the surrounding area. No design features or incompatible uses are proposed that would substantially <br />increase hazards. Therefore, the EIR remains adequate and complete for this topic. <br />e) Result in inadequate emergency access? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />Emergency access exists within the development area of the proposed project, and no changes or <br />modifications are proposed in this Addendum. Therefore, the EIR remains complete and adequate as it <br />relates to emergency access. <br />~ Result in inadequate parking capacity? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />Parking requirements were analyzed in the EIR, and provision was made for the required amount of <br />parking for all components of the project. To accommodate the proposed hotel included in this <br />Addendum, a total of 615 parking spaces will be provided comprised of a combination of spaces in the <br />existing parking structure and surface parking lot until the Cinema Tower is constructed. When the <br />Cinema Tower is constructed, a new parking structure will be built to meet the parking needs of the <br />hotel and the Cinema Tower. No new parking impacts will occur with implementation of the proposed <br />project. Therefore, the EIR remains complete and adequate for the provision of required parking. <br />g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g. bus <br />turnouts, bicycle racks)? (No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />The proposed project will not conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs supporting alternative <br />transportation. Therefore, the EIR remains complete and adequate as it relates to this topic. <br />XII. Utilities and Service Systems <br />The retail/restaurant and the Cinema Lofts components of the previously approved project will be removed, <br />and the hotel will replace the retail and restaurant uses. The Cinema Lofts location will eventually <br />accommodate the relocated Cinema Tower. The City of Santa Ana has confirmed that a 12-inch sewer main <br />has recently been constructed that will meet the sewer needs of the proposed hotel. Additionally, as detailed <br />below, staff in the City's Public Works Department has also indicated that adequate water infrastructure exits <br />to support the project. <br />The technical reports prepared for the EIR were relied upon to calculate the proposed project's impacts on <br />water and sewer demand. Please see Sections XII.b and XII.d below for an analysis of water and sewer <br />demand compared to the previously approved project. <br />a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? <br />(No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis) <br />The addition of the 185-room hotel and removal of the retaiUrestaurant and Cinema Lofts are not <br />anticipated to exceed wastewater treatment requirements. Please refer to Sections XII.b and XII.d <br />MacArthur Place South ~ ~~~~ <br />EIR Addendum o 47 <br />75B-82 <br />