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!iiltmua Erve~rprisets, !_L(~ <br />3.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />\~ ittularl I~ntcl~}~ri,cc~ I.I.C~ mots and 'gill continue t~~ cscccd the (~it~~> cxpcctati~~ns. ~~`c arc <br />dc.iicatc~i to the ~~roduction of ~lualit~ ser~icc to the Cite, and demonstrate this commitnr nt ~~ith <br />~nu~uir.~~ tr,linin~` and u}~~i~Itill~ ~~f aalt: ~l l;is is acc~~ni}~li~h~•d h~~ h~>th cuntiliu~,i!~ in-hc~usc cruse <br />lralllin~. all<l hV~ fa~ln~' a~1~ai]Iil~,!~ i1j lllll~l~~t <~U<llll~' lralnln~' In ;11~ ;iti~l~~l~ ~)t hl~hnEt ]~SU~S ,iIld <br />lli~;1~i11t1~ `~e1'`.lce. ~~~t ;lIC Il f~;lli JCr\ll'C E~ll~lnt' l)j~t1C~' ~Sllil CL11~11'ilt~\ V~UI"~ '.1ith lh~ l~l(t C1Il~j <br />niullll'le l~.~l~ hr~~~"Ide?'~. ~'~ ~ ~t~111 Ci~l7tllltle tip ~~I'irilde [he ~~ItV~ 11"!lh eXCc11cI11 ~crV~1CC U~In~' Ollr <br />(11'~~\eIl !1}ellli?d~ ;itl' ie~el\ili,! alld )~l"~~~C~~In,~ fry FZ ~, ~ rill IZecet~ll~. ~l~l'I'cs~)i~lldenec anci lOr <br />r.'(1'.C`, tt':_ ;;,; !n.t.\lliiu[I; I~` :; C~1!;lt`l!rsCnlell:. <br />• I'(`K~s arc date st~un~~cd and counted in double custody. ~l~he~~ arc re~~ic~ced 1«r <br />completenes>. coded fi,r data cntr~. entered. and hilled ~~ iihin three «orkin~r dais. <br />• l~~uh Iyeccl}its al'C uaCC slam}?~~~ and CltUlllel~ 711 double CIISit7d`,'. ~ hc'Se are ~~OSted IO <br />i`atlent ai;C~tulli~ '~~It}lin t?ne da~~ ;;nd n~)jl~icall!?ils ~?f ih~~~ Ill~~nl~ al'C C~~)i)rl~~~ IU ~Ull <br />t i:I fay ur enulil un a dai1~ basis. <br />• .~%1 ~~;1\cl'~ ~~11cIhC1' 1'Clll]al'~ UI' ~C~Undal'~ arc hIl~cil eleclr~~IllCal~\ qtr (111 ~?aO~I'. and <br />t~~tl~t~~cd u~~ on until tilil ali~t~~ed reilnbulscmellt is achic~c~1. <br />• ~_~11I" cll~tU1111Jed !nV [)1Ce5 alKi 1Ct(el:~ ikl~~ ~?~' C~eSI~~I1Cl~ ~J?l'CIf1C~1~~V (f11' lhC' ~ 1?`w~. <br />• \i~ttn~all l:nte!-hriscs. I.LC com}Tics ~~~ith all certifications. licenses. and 'a»~; as the~~ <br />.~erta111 tt~ Ihl~ 1'etih(1n~e. <br />• 11c prtt•~ ide a muitiullje ;~,~ rc~~orts i~~r ~~,ur financial and statistical needs. Uur <br />~f~c~~ialt~ t?n_[~el,Ial;a rc~,urts .u nu additional cost and may be pruduccd at a <br />111 ('til]et1tS nUll~e. <br />• i)cdicated and trained stain is iu~mediatcl~ a~ailablc to ~~our need;. <br />C itr r f .Sururr inu Fire DePrrrtm~n7 <br />25C-11 <br />