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r.~ifl;.... ... ~~i r,' .mac. _!.i <br />3.1.' tipcciul:~ccuunts <br />Discounts, fi:~r~lship, ana Uther Policies <br />The C'it~~s poli,:ics arc ~~~cll established and apple t« all residents and business o~~-Ilea ~~~ithin the Cite <br />!inut~. 1IIC Cite ~_locs not ol~Cer diseuunting ~~f~ aII~ hind. .ill hardship re~~uests are sent ~~it11 the <br />:~}~pro}~ri.Itc ~ubaantiatin~~ d~~rum~ntatiun t~I the Cite i~>I~ r~~~i~~~~. A~'~ are then notified ul~ the a~cision <br />alld ~l?I~~~~I:'d t11;1t dc:ISlon i'~11 It? the pallelll. :~1~ prU~Cdlli'eti a1'e ~1Jteil In v(~~II~ Ci~mpan~ iE~c'~1111'? and ~~e <br />~~ill c~~ntinuc Iu li>llu~,~ all ~~uidelines that hay ~ been cslabiished. <br />~ubscriptiun Yro~~ranl <br />the ('it.. ul' Santa .Ana ha; a Paramedic Membership pro~~ram. _~~Il accounts are ~~erified fur <br />mcn7b~r~ilip pri~u- to data cntr~. ~~erilication of a patients metnhership is done ? ~~a~s. If~ the <br />membcrsilip i, paid through the eater bill ~.~c cali the Cite of Santa .-~na 1'~ater llepartment and usin~a <br />the paticllt'; address. date of scrcicc, and the uanlc on that the «~ater bill «e ~~crif~~ rlramcdic_c~~.cra <br />....:: I1~1~ i~`, ;a: ~I.~l:~;'~~Sli]` ~. It I11C pa'ti~nl p~1., ~ lltr 1110 nlelnb~l'~illp i~il an ;}nnUai ba~15 V1e CtI~C); the <br />Paramccii~ AIcmhcl'ship book the Cite t~ro~~ides tip us. If the patient is not ur: ~}~c fist but insitit tha; t}~e~• <br />arc un the ~earl~ pru~aranl ..e call the C'it~~ to ~cril~ membership. <br />Patient :IC~~~unt~ ;h.It du nut ha~c inurance information Iistccl arc researched through a phone call to <br />Il1C ~?:IIICRI. ;k~~~~lta~ ~~7l7tael t?1' Clll Injl?I'ina11~~11 ieTlel~ ~cnl Ili the ]~atiCnt. ~)Ilc;l al~ lllSllraIl~e ~~d11ll~Il1S <br />ha~~~ been rccci~, cd. ~i c do ni~I hill the patient or ca11 them. the balance is ~~-ritten off to the membership <br />pro_ram. II~ tflc member due: not ha~~e an~~ or other insurance, the balance is ~~ritten ot1~ to the <br />III.I'.il`~f~hl~~~ i~!'~~~I';llll. l~ the patlellt 41a~ I1hI a V~a~ld lllelllbel" O11 the date Uf >e1'V'ICe. t\e COnllntle I~) bl~~ <br />the pl;ticni accor~lin~~l~,. <br />Dispute 12esolution <br />The resolution of disputes is perfurrl3ed in accordance ~~ith the Cite and HiP_~.1 ~auidelitle. ~~~ittman <br />I-;nt~rpri;«. l.l.l' ha; ~a~~~•lui,cd~Ind ~~ill mailltain a ,a~~ud rap~wrt ~~ith the City's ;tali. ~~orkin~a cloel~ <br />~~~it~ them to !ind a ~~uick :Ind cc~uita6le resolution t~> all patient dispute,. ~~'}Iile ~~e rccci~< and make <br />over ] U.U(~(i cads per ~~~erk our Customer Ser~~ice [Zeprescntati~~es £It ~1~ittnrln Enterprises, I.I.C Ire <br />a~~are that ~~~~~ represent the City's interest ~~~hen respondin~a to inquiries from patients. insurance <br />c~~~I:nal~ics. att~~rnc~ • and ethers. <br />Customer ~Crv ice Kepresentati~es process all in~utnin~~ mail. insul-anc~ 1~;(?f3',, and patient di~put~s. <br />\~'~ are often ab}c to dispel an~~ concerns or disputes regarding cllarge ~s ithout imul~~ing City <br />perwnncl, h~~„c~cr. ~,~~ itnmcdi~Iteh notif~~ the (~it~ ofan~~ patient care cumpfaints. <br />.'n'..':icrtt:..;na r.. ~ .`~2J;:;rtrree~ <br />25C-24 <br />