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RESOLUTION 2009 <br /> PROPOSED <br />REVENUE FY 08-09 FY 09-10 <br />ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT/MISCELLANEOUS FEE OR SERVICE UNIT FEES FEES <br />SECTION X POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />5215 Parking on left side of one-way roadway <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 36-136(d) Each 34.00 36.00 <br />5215 Parking outside of lapping marked parking <br /> Pwsuant to SAMC Sec. 36-138(a) Each 42.00 44.00 <br />5215 Angle parking prohibited in certain areas <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 36-139 Each 42.00 44.00 <br />5215 Parking in restricted areas. Time limit parking <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 36-142 Each 42.00 44.00 <br />5215 Overnight parking prohibited in certain areas <br /> Pwsuant to SAMC Sec. 36-144 Each 34.00 36.00 <br />5215 Parking any commercial vehicle over 10,0001bs. In a residential <br /> district for a period of time longer than two(2) hours prohibited <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 36-145 Each 73.00 75.00 <br />5215 Parking on City property <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 36-147 Each 34.00 36.00 <br />5215 Parking on property of Joint Powers Agency-city is member <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 36-147.1 Each 34.00 36.00 <br />5215 Parking in metered space time expired or beyond max. time <br /> Pwsuant to SAMC Sec. 36-402(1) Each 51.00 53.00 <br />5215 Parking outside of painted or marked area of metered space <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 36-402(2) Each 5 L00 53.00 <br />5215 Park any vehicle restricting traffic (ingress/egress) <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 36-432(2) Each S l .00 53.00 <br />5215 Park any vehicle with trailer, etc., restricting traffic <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec.36-432(4) Each 63.00 65.00 <br />5215 Red no parking areas-striped no parking areas <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec.36-432(5) Each 51.00 53.00 <br />5215 Parking outside/across designated parking lines <br /> Pwsuant to SAMC Sec. 36-432(6) Each 42.00 44.00 <br />5215 Parking overtime on public parking lot <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec.36-432(9) Each 42.00 44.00 <br />5215 Use metered spaces when meter indicates unlawful parking <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec.36-432(11) Each 42.00 44.00 <br />5215 Park any truck in excess of 2 tons in parking lot <br /> Pursuant to SAMC Sec.36-432(12) Each 51.00 53.00 <br />5215 Unauthorized parking in "handicapped" zone <br /> Pwsuant to SAMC Sec. 36-432(15) Each 80.00 82.00 <br />55 <br />75B-76 <br />