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INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SF-42A <br />Public reporting burden for this co,,ection of inlicirrnition is estimabs to average 60 rrznutes iper,,nespcnse, including time ftr reviemrg MbtrL:tions, search n9 <br />existing data sources, gatsring and maintaining the data needtid, anew cornic*1ing, and rev,*Mng t,,e collectc,,7 of inflorm3tor, . Send ccirnments regarding ve <br />&urden eszima:e or a -yover aspect of thisociiection of infomnaiion ircludingsuggesticnsfcrreducing this pj,,-der, to the Office of Mainagemeni an,., Budge: <br />Faperwvrk Rec. :tion Project, f.1346-0041), Washington, DC 2ND?. <br />PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET- SEND IT TO THE ADDRESS PROVIDED <br />BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY. i <br />TL,i, is a s-azdazd for in (imzhadiag -.he couninuatior. sLeer) rec�xuved for use as a cv.-ei -.heet for sub=ss.on of prespphcatmus and app: CanoLs a ad <br />related mfcrmaticr. uLder 4isz&-e::o3ztai prozr=s, Some of the:te=a are reqitne-1 and icirne are optional at tLe discretion offhe applicant or the Federal <br />agency (agpacyj, Required :teens are :dernfed with an asterisk, or. *:ie fom =d are specified in ,he himuctiem;i below. In addition to tLe, mistructions <br />providAd below. oppa:aars rxnir consultspnicy iumzuctions to detelmkie spe-nc r,-q=E-r3An1S <br />Iten <br />Er•r <br />y� <br />i tepi <br />E-ntry: <br />1. <br />Type of Submission: �Requr): Select one ripe of in <br />IC, <br />Name Of Federal Agency: flRequired, Enter the narns of the <br />aTocriclance vvzr, zgericy ristructions. <br />reperal agency ftrn wla.i:h issistan,:e s being rcqueste: with <br />■ Preao;9ication <br />this appicatisri, <br />• AppAzation <br />!I. <br />Catalog Of Federal Domestic Assistance NurnbeoTitW <br />Enter the C-3taic-, of -:edera Cz rest . Assistan,:e riuri:�r a %- <br />of the .7, cigr3r, unci, w-linich asss"Ancs is rez,,ested, as <br />Lund 'in. he iccrograrri amno-,.�,noe meri, f3c'C Cat4, <br />• Changed:Correcred Applicatc�7 - 1" ,*quested by the 3gierVY, Q•9CK <br />;4 :his submission s to c, ange or correct a -,reyce�sly submitted <br />app cation, ''finless requesie,: by the agency, 3picftaits may not <br />A .jse -his -o submit changes after the clicsing date. <br />'7. <br />Type of Application: (Req�lredj Select one type 4 applicalic'! in <br />12, <br />Funding Opportunity Numberffitle- 'Red ,red) E rter the <br />accordance vpith age... nstructions. <br />Funding Cippercunity 14-mbe-,.r and the of v^e cpV unity Linde', <br />Ness = -.An applicalion "t is being to ar, age\!,cyfor the <br />�rst,irnie, <br />wnic.,!, assista, ce is recuis*ed, as found n, Jie program <br />annc-,j n c eme nt. <br />13. <br />petition Identification NumberfTifle: E-Erter the <br />'or a pre,*st wah a projecleo comp eticin date. -h ---s can include <br />renevorals. <br />Rev,sicin he Fede-3 3icivernment's fianc=>.!; <br />Compet-ion Identification NU inber and title of the cor-,petition <br />under vvmch assistance is recl.ested. F app, . icab,e, <br />cb - Vtcn or scniinge-i :ability from an existing obligation, f a <br />revisaan, entef the appropriate etted ' s). More thar one inay be <br />selected, if `CtlieCis selemec, clease spectj in text hex prov.;.,ad. <br />A Increase Award B. Decreasekvoarc <br />I- increase Curatcii D. Decrease r Duravon <br />E. Cther ispezi <br />Ik <br />Areas Affected By Project: List the areas or entities using <br />the categories (e.g., cities, cc,,mes, states, etc., scec-"fed in <br />agercy nst".c`1'0nSL Use the con-linur.ion sheet to enter <br />aftJonal areas, it neeze•,,. <br />3. <br />Date Received: Leave iris field bfa,,*. This date will be assigned by the <br />I!, <br />Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: :.Req, re-d) Eller a <br />Fede,ra agency. <br />brief descriptive title of tare prc;ercn apprc;nze, atzacr a <br />map showing project location ile,g_ const,,.�ctiipn cr rea, <br />pro,.;" proj ects). For preaopc1,--.,,-xions, attach 3 s.=rmari <br />Applicant Identifier: Enter the ently identif*° ass.,Ved by the Federal <br />agency, is a^ y, c r appillcant's ov*ol number, if <br />descriloton, of the.vojeat <br />52 <br />Federal ral En tity Identifier: Enter the nw. nbe- asst d to your <br />IC, <br />Congressional Districts Of (Required; I @a. Enter the <br />organizatic- by the Federal Agency, if any. <br />apip�kan' i's Congresvoral Dis"xct, 3nd, Ili:, Einter ail Cs*rztils <br />affected by the program car Enter in t',eform3t 2 <br />characters State Abpre,,r,31jcn - i characte°s Dist° ct N'turter, <br />e,g- CA-C;,i5�r California 51" dirt -,zt, Ca,1fcrn4 12r' <br />district, Nr-- 103 fc?,, Norte Carolina's t_,V c,strk= <br />5b. <br />Federal Award Identifier- For n&w appbaaborts leave b4arx. For 3 <br />cominuanDn or reeision, to an existing award, enter the previous "y <br />assigned Fsceral award identf r nurnber. J a thangedicorrectea <br />application, enter the Federal loentifier in accordance witn age,7,,.-y. <br />, rfstructicins. <br />. If a,: congress B ial dist,,cts in i state a,-e affected, enter <br />.all' for the disirct number, e.g- MD-ail k4 ail <br />:,v-gressionai districts m Mari and, <br />. F iaticriedde, .e, all districts within ail states are arffe- wtst <br />enter 1E -ail,. <br />6. <br />Date Rec*iveA by State: Leave this field biank, This date ,. 41 be <br />assigned by the State, if applicable. <br />T. <br />State Application Identifier: Leave ,his field blank. 71is dentler w#11 <br />c,e assigned by the State, if applicabW <br />. I"he programi`pro�ee, �s outside the US, enter 0-%1113. <br />S. <br />Applicant Information Enter the following r, aecvaance kv-Ah agency <br />nsrruc,.icns: <br />a. Legal Name.,. (Required: Enter the legal rame of appikant ilia: will <br />17, <br />Proposed Project Start and End Dates: iReauired ; Frite,• the <br />.mcfertake the assstan(>e- act rarity. This is the iama, that it* organization <br />proposed start date aride-nd date of the prc, ,ect. <br />n as regisle-ed with the Central Ccn-ractcr Registry. Inforrnaticr, on <br />�episiefjnq with CCR may be obtained by vskiry the &ants.00v wsbsAe.. <br />b. EmployerfTaxpayeir Numbeir (EINiTIN): (Required; Enter tie <br />Emp-,oyier or 7aXpayer'dentificaton Numdoer:!EIN or TIN) is assigned by <br />the lr�rema§,-- Se vice. if your erganizaticri is nci'r the US, erier <br />44-44444444, <br />18, <br />Estimated Funding: (Requireo, ;-:met the amcunt requested <br />or tc, be mnifluted during the i�st funciiinglbudge, period by <br />each contribu-or. Value or in: kind Iribu*ions should be <br />c. Organizational GUNS. (Required) Enter the organization's DJNS or <br />included on appropriate i `Aes, as applicable J tli* act-cr, will <br />DUN :+4 numbe• received from Dun and Bradstreet. Informat.ion on <br />result in ado1W change to an existing zwa.r,::, ndica*e only the <br />obt&i"g a DJNS number may be obtained by vsiurig the Grants, you <br />Welisite. <br />amount cf the change. For d --creases, enc,-se the amoums. in <br />pan- theses. <br />d. Address: Enter the complete address as fcAxn: Street add. ess I'--ne <br />I req-j�redl, City 'Required,), County, State (Required, if ccun:ry is 'S) <br />1 <br />zlrovmce- Counrvy (Required,% ZiplPostal Code ("Required, I cvj,7i�, S <br />- <br />19- <br />Is Application Subject to Review by State Under Executive <br />Order 12372 Process? App; 'Cams should contact the State <br />Singe- Pc in* of Ccr tact fGP0CJ for Federal Exeoutve Order <br />12372 *o determine whether tre app motion is sul%*ct to •he <br />-JS1 <br />e. Organizational Unit- Enter the riame of the primary organ zatioral <br />-,jnit (and department or derision„ if will undenate the <br />21 B-23 <br />