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Resolution Certifying <br />SEIR No.2009-1 <br />July 6, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />Therefore, the City has decided to proceed with the CPUC's directive and <br />permanently close Fairhaven Avenue at Lincoln Avenue. Two-way traffic <br />would be maintained on Lincoln Avenue from Park Lane to Santa Clara <br />Avenue. <br />At the intersection of Santa Clara and Fairhaven, a traffic signal is <br />recommended to better facilitate traffic movement. Also, the roadway <br />profile along Lincoln Avenue at its intersection at Santa Clara will be <br />modified to improve roadway safety. <br />In order to implement these changes for the two intersections, CEQA <br />requires the preparation and approval of a Final Supplement to the <br />Santa Ana Second Main Track Environmental Impact Report (Final SEIR). The <br />Final SEIR describes the proposed project and evaluates the potential <br />environmental effects of the project. The environmental issues analyzed <br />in the SEIR include aesthetics, agricultural resources, air quality, <br />biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, land use and <br />planning, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, <br />mineral resources, noise, population and housing, public services, <br />recreation, transportation and traffic, and utilities and service systems. <br />On January 27, 2009 a Notice of Preparation and Initial Study was <br />circulated for a 30-day public review period for the preparation of the <br />Draft SEIR No. EIR 2009-1. Issues raised by the agencies and the <br />community included: 1) potential traffic impacts from Fairhaven/Lincoln <br />intersection modification, 2) potential noise impacts, and 3) potential <br />air quality impacts. The SEIR was then prepared based on information <br />provided in the IS, as well as issues expressed in the comments to the <br />NOP. In accordance with CEQA, a Draft SEIR was circulated for review and <br />comment by the public, local, regional and state agencies and interested <br />parties on March 6, 2009 for a 30-day review period. <br />Only three comment letters were received during the public review period. <br />All three were from public agencies and two agencies had no comments. <br />The third agency, the CPUC, had comments concerning access to the rail <br />right-of-way for rail maintenance vehicles at the Fairhaven/Lincoln <br />intersection. The CPUC also recommended that a new railroad crossing <br />pre-signal be installed at the Santa Clara/Lincoln intersection for <br />westbound traffic to prevent traffic from queuing onto or near the tracks <br />and to prevent vehicles from getting trapped between the railroad <br />crossing gates. <br />The CPUC's recommendations and directive concerning the Fairhaven closer <br />have been incorporated into the final design for the two railroad <br />crossings and are reflected in the revised project descriptions in the <br />Final SEIR. <br />55A-2 <br />