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PROPOSITION 84 <br />STATEWIDE PARK DEVELOPMENT AND <br />COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION PROGRAM OF 2008 <br />A_ pplication Process <br />^ Application period will be opened once statewide freeze on travel is lifted; Technical assistance workshops <br />will then be scheduled as well. <br />^ Applications that are not successful in Round 1 can be resubmitted for Round 2. Strongly recommend <br />submitting 2 first round, resubmitting in 2"`t if not successful during 1 s`. (p.4) <br />Application Criteria <br />^ Program will award grants on a competitive basis for the creation of new parks and new recreation <br />opportunities in proximity to the most critically underserved communities across California (p.30-32, 46). <br />Eligible projects in order of priority include: <br />- Creation of new parks (acquisition and development combination projects) <br />- Expansion of existing park <br />- Construction of a new recreation feature <br />Renovation of existing recreation features. This is the lowest priority category and is where the <br />projects we have discussed would be classifted. <br />^ Partnerships between non-profit organizations and local governments are encouraged (p. 3). <br />Grant award range is $100,000 minimum - $5 million maximum. There is no match requirement. However, <br />grant plus any committed funds must be sufficient to complete project. <br />- No more than 25% of the grant amount may be spent on pre-construction costs (p.14). <br />Community resident input meetings required as part of the application process (p. 33-37). <br />Maximum amount of points awarded for minimum of five meetings, with at least two having been <br />held on a weekend or evening, and for minimum of three methods to invite a broad spectrum of <br />community residents. <br />- Maximum points awarded for: <br />o Residents' identification of their preferred recreation features, and provision of design ideas <br />for features, park safety and beautification (not limited to a few predetermined options by <br />applicant) <br />- Meetings can begin as soon as project is selected - do not need to occur during application period. <br />Points also awarded for sustainable techniques (p. 38-39). <br />- Use of water efficient irrigation system <br />Incorporation of pervious surfaces or other techniques <br />- At least 10% of materials are to be recycled materials or construction waste will be reduced through <br />separation and recycling <br />- Landscaping excludes use of invasive plants, features drought tolerant non-invasive native plants <br />and minimizes use of toxic pesticides and inorganic fertilizers <br />- Up to 5 additional points awarded for each additional sustainable techniques used <br />^ Maximum points awarded for access 7 days a week, at an access fee of no fee to $3 per month for poverty- <br />level community members (p.38, 41) <br />^ Maximum points awarded for 20 or more residents or conservation ports members receiving volunteer or <br />employment outdoor learning opportunities (p. 42, 53). <br />