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FULL PACKET_2009-07-20
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2009-07-20
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/3/2012 4:17:46 PM
Creation date
7/15/2009 1:19:49 PM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
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2. Perimeter Walls/Fences and Entries <br />A perimeter wall, fence and security gates shall be constructed to secure <br />the majority of the residential development. Visitor parking and a portion of <br />the residential parking shall remain open and accessible per Attachment A. <br />(a) The south and west perimeter of site shall include a solid wall <br />not exceed six (6) feet in height, as measured from the top of <br />the curb, or eight (8) feet from the top of the finish grade of the <br />adjacent property at the location of the wall. All walls shall be <br />constructed of a decorative block such as slump stone, split- <br />face block or equivalent and shall have decorative cap. <br />(b) The majority of the easterly perimeter of the site adjacent to <br />the Santa Ana River Corridor shall provide a minimum <br />decorative wrought iron fence a minimum of five and one half <br />(5-'/2) feet in height, as measure from top of curb, and not <br />exceed eight (8) feet in height. This fencing is intended to <br />provide security while allowing screened visual access to and <br />from the Santa Ana River scenic corridor. Adjacent to the <br />future park site and in conjunction with the vehicular and <br />pedestrian security gates to the residential development, <br />fencing shall integrate decorative pilasters and caps. <br />(c) The northeast perimeter of the site shall include a wrought <br />iron fence with intermittent decorative stone pilasters four (4) <br />feet in height. This low front yard fence is intended to provide <br />a physical separation between the future park, while allowing <br />visually accessibility to the future open space area from <br />Memory Lane and residential development. <br />(d) To visually define the project entryways, colored paving <br />materials and concrete shall be used as accent materials at <br />entry locations including: 1) the driveway entrance to the <br />development, 2) area surrounding the vehicular security gate, <br />and 3) the primary pedestrian entrance to the apartment <br />complex. <br />3. Signage <br />The entry monument and all other signage shall comply with the <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code. A sign permit is required and should be <br />submitted for review and approval to the Planning Division. Entry <br />sign to include "Santa Ana" to identified development as a gateway <br />into the City of Santa Ana. <br />6 <br />80A-34 <br />
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