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FULL PACKET_2009-07-20
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2009-07-20
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1/3/2012 4:17:46 PM
Creation date
7/15/2009 1:19:49 PM
City Clerk
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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />office corridor between the Santa Ana (I-5) and Costa Mesa (SR-55) <br />Freeways serves this purpose. In addition, the orderly, well-maintained quality <br />of existing development supports a continuation of these areas as functional <br />office/employment centers. <br />The Professional and Administrative Office designation includes a range of floor <br />area ratios to differentiate development intensity and character in relation to <br />adjacent land uses. The areas with a FAR of 0.5 are not major office centers, but <br />rather have an established character of lower intensity garden office and <br />professional service uses. These areas are typically adjacent to low density <br />residential neighborhoods, or are converted residential office uses. Office <br />development along East Fourth Street, between Grand Avenue and the Santa Ana <br />Freeway, is typical of this low-rise office character. The PAO area located adjacent to <br />the Civic Center contains a range of office development intensity which supports the <br />City's functional role as the government center of the County. <br />The types of uses typically located in the PAO district include the following: <br />• Professional and administrative offices/office parks; <br />• Service activities such as copy centers, courier services, travel agencies, and <br />restaurants when such uses are an integral component of a planned office <br />development; and <br />• Professional uses such as accountants, attorneys, doctors, engineers, and <br />insurance brokers. <br />General Commercial Districts <br />The General Commercial district (GC) applies to commercial corridors in Santa Ana including those <br />located along Main Street, Seventeenth Street, Harbor Boulevard, and other major arterial <br />roadways in the City. The intensity standard applicable to this designation is a floor area ratio of <br />0.5 -1.0, though most General Commercial districts have a FAR of 0.5. A total of 1,099.8 ~-;'f~4: ~ acres <br />of land is included in this designation. <br />General Commercial districts are key components in the economic development of the City. <br />They provide highly visible and accessible commercial development along the City's arterial <br />transportation corridors. In addition, General Commercial land uses provide important neighborhood <br />facilities and services, including shopping, recreation, cultural and entertainment activities, <br />employment, and education. The districts also provide support facilities and services for industrial <br />areas including office and retail, restaurants and various other services. <br />A-19 <br />Revised (July 20, 2009 A4ay-~~009) <br />80A-43 <br />
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