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5. Environmental Analysis <br />AIR QUALITY <br />The A MP provides local guidance for the State Irnplern entation Plan, which provides the framework for air <br />quality basins to achieve attainment of the state and federal ambient air quality standards. Areas that meet <br />ambient air quality standards are classified as attainment areas, while areas that do net meet these <br />standards are classified as nonattainrnent areas. Severity classifications for ozone nonattainrn nt range in <br />magnitude; marginal, moderate, serious, severe, and extreme. The attainment status for the SoAB is <br />included in Table 5.1 -2. The SoCAB is also designated as attainment of the CAA QS for SO,. lead, and <br />sulfates, According to the 2007 AQ MPs the So AB will have to meet the new federal P 2.5 standards by 201 <br />and the -hour ozone standard by 2024, and will most likely have to achieve the recently reprised 24 -hour <br />PI2.5 standard by 2020. <br />Table 5.1-2 <br />Attainment Staters of Criteria Pol <br />