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Named Insured: RJM Design Group, Inc. <br />Policy Number: PSB0007263 RLI ArIsUrahco.6ofripany <br />THIS ENDOKSEIV116ENT 6HANOES. THE POLICY'. PLEASE READ IT OAREFULLY, <br />RLIPUK•FOR DESIGN MOPEMONALS <br />BLANKET ADDITIONAL I*N$UR.E.D ENDQRSEMENT <br />This Ondotseihi,6ht modifieis insurance provided under the fdllcjWlng: <br />%JSINES,50WNER�, COVERAGE FORM -,SECTION 11 — LIABILITY <br />C. WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as <br />an,additinnal Insured any person or organization that <br />yc:u agree In a 'contract or agreement requiring <br />insurance to include: as,an additional insured -6h this <br />policy, but only with respect to liability for "bodily <br />Injury", "property damage" (Jr. "Personal and <br />adv6rtisInq-lhjury" oauis6d IN Whole or in -part by you <br />or thoge.ecting on*yoor behalf: <br />a'. In the ,performance of your ongoing operations: <br />b. In connection with premises owned by or rented <br />to ybU,' or <br />r.. In nonn'p6tihn with "your' Work" And InoWdPA <br />Within the "produbkompletedoperations <br />2. The insurance provided to the addltlonW. Insured by <br />this endorsement'is limited as follows: <br />a. This insurance,idoes not apply on any basis to <br />any p4mbh or .666nlzeitlon for whi6h o6viarage <br />as an addition'al Iftured, specifically is added by <br />another:end6rs6ment to this pollby. <br />b. This insurance -does not apply'to the. rendering <br />of or failure to render any "professional <br />services". <br />c. This endorsement dbes not increase any of the <br />limits of insurance -stated In D. Liability And <br />Medical Expenses Limits of Insurance. <br />3, The rolluwlrig is adde'd to: SECTION III H.2, Other <br />Insurance , COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS <br />(BUT APPLICABLE ONLY TO SECTION 11 — <br />LiAaILITV). <br />However., if you specifically agree In a contract or <br />agreement -that- :the insurance provided to an <br />PIP0. �,04 06 IQ <br />additional insured under this pblloy'mUst a'oply on a <br />primary basis, or a. primary and non-contributory <br />Oasis, this. insuraniod ls.priMary to other Insutanoe <br />that Is available to such additional InWrdd Which <br />covers such additional insured 'as a, named Insured, <br />.and we will not shate 'with that other lh,$Urance, <br />Provided that: <br />a. The "bodily Injury" or "pr6perty dbmqge" for <br />which coverage Is sought occurs'after,y6u have <br />witui.ed lulu thdt (;Ur*muL.o(ayi'Vemeri( ui <br />b. The "personal ..and advertising injury" .for whlob <br />c=la� sought arises out' of an offense <br />0 after you. ttave entered Into that <br />contract or gigrbeiment, <br />4. The following is added to SECTION 111 K. 2. <br />*Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to <br />Us — COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS (BUT <br />APPLICABLE TO ONLY TO SECTION 11 — <br />LIABILITY) <br />We Waive any rights of redov"_ we may have <br />agaCmst any person or, orgaNzationi because of <br />Pdytnonte wo rrakb for "b6dily injury", "Orcip6rty <br />damage." or "personal and advertising Injury" arising <br />out of `.Vour'work" performed by you, 'or, on your <br />behalf, under a. contre6t or agreement -With that <br />person or oroanlz6tion, We waive these rights only <br />where you have agreed to do so as part of a <br />-contract' or V06Meht 'With such pbfth or <br />brganizatiori• entered into by -you befoie the "bodily <br />injury" 0 "property damage" occurs, or tho "pomonal <br />and gdvertisihg injury" offense 16 coffimitted. <br />ALL OTHERT-ERms AND CONbITIONSdF THIS POLICY REMAIN. UNCHANQED, <br />Page 1 ol; 1 <br />REVIEWED BY: EUNICE HEREDIA (PG 2 OFq) <br />