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8. Rill establish safeguards €o prohibit emplvyees from using their positions for a purpose that <br />cvnstitutes or presents toe appearance of personaI or organizational conflict of interest, or <br />personaI gain far themselves ar others, particularly those with wham They have family, business <br />or other ties. <br />9. Agr;.es that to the extent contractors or subcontractors are utilized, grantees and subgrantecs sha#I <br />use small, minority, women-owned, or disadvantaged business concerns and. cvntractors or <br />subcontractors to the extent practicable. <br />I ~. ~~~ iII comply with 2 CFR 215.25, and w°ill notify UHS of any developments that havz a <br />significant impact on au=ard-supported activities, including changes to key program staff; <br />11. 1~i11 comply, if applicable, with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. ~~ <br />4801 eY seq.} which prohibits the use of lead based paint in construction yr rehabilitation of <br />residence structures_ <br />I?. Understands and agrees Federal funds will not be used, directly or indirectly, to support the <br />enactment, repeal, modification ar adoption of any lau=, regulativn, ter po#icy, at any 1eve1 of <br />goverrtrient, witi~tout the express prior written approval from FE3vIA. <br />13. G~'i11 comply with alI federal statues relating tv Civil Rights and Nondiscrimination. 'T'hese <br />include but arz nvt limited to: <br />a. Title VT a{'tlte Civil Rights Act of 1954 {P.L. 8&-352}, as amended, which prohibits <br />discrimination vn the basis of race, cvlar or naiional origin. <br />b. Title L~ of the Education Amettdtuents of 1972, as amended {20 U.S.C. §y~' I6&1-158s <br />and. 1.6$5-1586}, which prohibits discrimination an the basis of gender. <br />c. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of I9i3, as amended {29 Lt.S.C. s 79~j which <br />prohibits discrimination vn the basis of handicaps. <br />d. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended {42 Q.S.C. ~§ 61(77-6107} which <br />prohibits discrimination. vn the basis of age. <br />e, The T)rug Abusa Qffice and Treatment Act of 1972 {P.L, 92-255) as amended, relating to <br />nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse. <br />f The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcvholism Prevention, Treatment and <br />Rehabilitation Act of 1970 {P.L. 9 i -615}, as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on <br />the basis of alcvhvl abuse or alcohvlism; <br />g. ~ 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 {42 U.S.C. 290 dd-~ and 29€? <br />ee-3), as amended, relating is confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient recvrds. <br />h. Title ~'iTT of the Civil Rights Act of #968 {~2 U.S.C. §:1501 et s:.q.), as amendvd, relating <br />to nvndiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing. <br />i. Title 28, Cvde of Federal Regulations, Part ~2, Subparts C, D, E and G. <br />j. Title 28, CFR, Part 3~. <br />k. Any vther nondiscrimination provisivns in the specif c statute{s} under which application <br />far federal assistance is beine Wade, and <br />I. Title 44 CFR Pants 7, I5, and 19 relating to nondiscrimination. <br />m. 1`he requirements on any ether nondiscrimination statute{s) ~=bleb may apply tv the <br />application, <br />n. Will, in the evznt a Federal or State court or Federal or State administr-aiive agency <br />makes a finding of disc: imination after a due prvczss hearing an the grounds or race, <br />color, religion, national origin, gender, or disability against a recipient of funds, the <br />recipient will forward a copy of €he tindinb to the Office of Civil Rights, ©ffice of7ustice <br />Prot7rams. <br />Page 2 tnittals <br />