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b. L~'here the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, he or she <br />shall attach an explanation to this application_ <br />4?. Agrees to comply with the Drug-Free "~~v"orkplace pct of 1988, and implemented at ?$ CFR Part <br />67, Subpart);, for grantees, as defined at 28 CFR Part 67 Sections 6'•.bIS and 6i.b2Q and <br />ce~-tif es that it will or ~~ll continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: <br />(a} Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, <br />distribution, dispensing; possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in <br />the grantee's worl`~lace and specifying the actions that will be taken against <br />employees for violation of such prohibition. <br />(b} Establishing an on-going drug-free awareness pragrarn to inform employees about: <br />{1} Tlae daxsgers of drug abuse in the workplace. <br />('_} The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace. <br />{3} A_7y available drug caunseiing, rehabilitation, and employee assistance <br />programs; and <br />{4) The penalties that may be ir,~posed upon employees for drug abuse violations <br />occurring in ehe workplace. <br />{c} 144aking it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the <br />grant be given a copy of the stat;,etat required by paragraph {a}. <br />{d} tiotifyi_ng the employee in the statement required by paragraph {a} that, as a condition <br />of employment under the grant, tl~e employee wiII <br />(l }Abide by the terms of the statement; and <br />(2} Notify the employer in writing ofhis or her conviction for a violation of a <br />criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace na later than five calendar days <br />after such eonvicron. <br />(e) Notifying the agonc_y, in writing, cvithln 1 t3 calendar days after receiving notice under <br />subparagraph (d}{2} fi-o=.n an en;ployee or otheru;•ise receiving actual notice of such <br />conviction, Ernployers of convicted. employees must provide notice, including <br />position title, ta: <br />Department of Justice, Office of justice Programs, <br />ATTN; Control Desk, <br />&..+3 Indiana Avenue, ~l.L~;'., <br />~iashington, I7.C. ~J731. <br />\otice shall include the identification numbers} of each affected grant. <br />(f} Taking one of the following actions, within St} calendar day s of receiving notice <br />under subparagraph {d}{~?; with respect to any employee who is so convicted. <br />{ 1 }Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and <br />including termination, consistent tyith the requirements of the R; habilitation Act <br />of 1.973, as amended; or <br />page $ initials <br />